Pepe, the trans-dimentional bird is a massless particle (theory really)

You’ve heard of the Pepe. We all have. Foolishness about it sitting in the middle of the garrison, buried in time. A bright, shining orange bird - luring treasure hunters to their doom.

Azeroth’s most famous adventurers and explorers were invited to its unassuming debut. An invitation was a sign of… exclusiveness. The opening was supposed to symbolize a road to a different future, not just for the world… … but for all who came to see this small, simple bird… A chance for anyone to explore the world anew, to begin again.

Except - Pepe was a lot more. The war and conflict in old Draenor froze it in time, like a big flashbulb going off. The Grand Debut - set off a different chain of events. It’s still out there, in the Wastes, preserved, just waiting for someone to place it on their head. But getting to it. That’s not the hard part. It’s letting go…

With Pepe being with us every step of the way, the small, simple bird saw it all, the beginning and the end, it saw Gul’Dan, the Shadowlands and the titans themselves.

Yet despite everything it remains, unharmed, unfazed and unnoticed. Merely pretending to “adapt” to a new environment, always in appropriate disguise, like a diving helmet or Dragon Queen’s horns.

How is it when anyone, be it an adventurer or a hunter feigning death, Pepe goes unnoticed? How does our simple little “friend” get purple and gets a warglave to fight the demons?..

This is all because the little friend has a rather mundane explanation:

Pepe is a massless particle, Fel, magic or physical attacks do not harm the little bird. Pepe was there before the beginning of time and will be there after time. How much does a photon weigh? It has a non zero value (usually rounded to 0, but does have electromagnetic interaction and some mass - quit rounding quintillion to 0), but our little orange “friend” is truly a massless particle. Zero, Nada, Zilch, ноль.

Thats our best explanation for our “friendly” orange companion to interact with physical, magical and other world properties.

Pepe was there before the first ones and will remain after absolutely everything