People Who Want a "Morally Grey" Alliance

Not really.

Well, duh. The villain bat has only ever been reserved for the Horde.

Haven’t run out, just pointing out the flaws in yours. Like saying the Alliance does plenty bad.

Except they don’t make Alliance do morally black. History has shown this time and again. Blizzard is too scared to commit to Alliance doing gray things much less black things like Teldrassil.

Not according to Blizzard.

Except Genn was given post-hoc justification for his attack and never received any consequences of note. That is literally blizzard saying he is right, Sylvanas was wrong.

Therefore he had justification on both sides of the action. Given by Blizzard.

Yes, until Blizzard comes in and literally says that one party is wrong.

Incorrect. Also, I’m not sure you understand what a soapbox is.

It’s the entirety of what makes an action or event black, white or somewhere in between. Literally defines what the action or event is. The Burning of Teldrassil was a black event because there is no justification for genocide. The Purge of Dalaran was a gray event, until blizzard made the Horde wrong and the Alliance right.

IRL Shooting someone in cold blood is different than shooting someone who has broken into your house because of the justification behind it.

Jaina didn’t just feel justified. Aethas (Blizzard) confirmed she was justified when he apologized to her. Literally admitted he was wrong for the actions he and his people took.
Only one side of that conflict did that. That conflict is no longer gray, it is black and white.

See? Aethas admitted he was wrong. Jaina did no such thing. The story is taking us Aethas wrong, Jaina right. Horde wrong, Alliance right.

Patently false.

So, is the Alliance gray as you claim or pure white? You can’t have it both ways.

If you claim the Alliance is grey then having them commit an action like teldrassil will make them black.

If the Alliance is pure white Blizzard would never have them commit a black action like teldrassil.

Doesn’t mean much coming from an Alliance player.



There it is! This is why I can’t take your opinions on the Horde seriously because of how clueless you come off. What the Horde has lost/suffered is largely inconsequential because it doesn’t meet your exacting standards.

Your big moment for Teldrassil was the SoL. Just because you don’t see it that way doesn’t mean it didn’t count. That’s how that works in your head right? Horde are supposed to be all proud and fist-pumping about the WoT and the Burning of Teldrassil, right? Well, your moment was the SoL when UC was destroyed and you captured Saurfang.

Uh huh. Horde win the WoT. Alliance win every battle thereafter, SoL, Darkshore, Arathi, BoD. But those don’t count because reasons.

If you say so.

Quote my post saying that I want the Alliance to act evil.

Go ahead.

I’ll wait.

You won’t find it because I stated the Alliance needs to be portrayed as actually having some moral grayness if Blizzard wants to claim WoW is a world of gray yet still maintain 2 supposedly hero factions.

You keep saying the Alliance does plenty of grey stuff but also stated that to be gray they have to do some black stuff like commit their own Teldrassil which indicates that the Alliance is portrayed way more white then gray. Because the black stuff is reserved for the Horde.

Of course, you admit that you want to get your rocks off in wanting your own personal satisfaction regarding the consequences the Horde suffer and completely diminish what the faction has suffered. This is why you’re so adamant about asking if the Alliance should have its own Teldrassil moment.

I’ll say this again because your Alliance blinders are on.

The Alliance doesn’t do plenty of bad things.

Blizzard is too scared to commit to Alliance impurity/grayness which means moments that are not gray in any way, shape or form are relegated to the Horde (see: Theramore, BoT, etc.).

This is the biggest problem with having a game that advertises 2 hero factions but uses one as the target dummy for the villain bat.
