I have noticed since I have come back to playing, Alliance players seem more chill than they were before. I think it’s because a lot of people bailed to go horde, so the ones left playing Alliance know that the playing pool is smaller therefore you should probably be a little bit nicer to your teammates. Will be interesting to see what pugs bring out with cross-faction grouping this week.
I tanked for 7 expansions
I can probably count on my fingers the amount of times a DPS tried to flame me and actually probably more healers
That was all just in the very early days of learning to tank, after that nobody said anything for probably 6 of those expansions cuz I usually carry cuz tanks OP in all honesty
So new tanks, don’t get discouraged, the flame ends real quick in all honesty cuz everyone becomes a huge suck up to a tank who knows what they’re doing lmao
as a experienced healer you can usually tell when a group is gonna go south, and it depends on how bad the group is if theyre like mediocre and will miss the timer by a few minutes no big deal if the group is a pile of garbage that has somehow gained sentience ill just leave the grp cuz i aint dealin with that.
See I’m gunna disagree with on less toxic with easier content. While you did admit mplus it’s the opposite I would also say it’s the same for raiding. I don’t think I have seen any toxic behavior in mythic raiding over the last 5-6 years but oh boy do you see it when in heroic levels with those who are stuck in that level or cannot get aotc. Those guys are real toxic and it’s always everyone else’s fault for gatekeeping them or something along those lines.
how are you?
I always thought it was hilarious that people thought a tank would have a cooldown available for every trash pack.
No you dont. But there is a reason why there’s call cooldown pulls when you pull small to wait for your cd to get back up where you only need active mitigation to get by
I won’t say never because I’m sure I would have at some point but honestly I don’t remember it.
Idk where the forums get their crazy ideas from. It’s not the game I experience
Party: Tank stop dying
GD: QQ you’re toxic
Not that often, but even in the event I do land in one it’s pretty rare that I can’t carry. I’ve all but stopped pushing keys for a couple months now and just been focusing on alts and casual stuff. The keys I’ve ran on my toons are usually in the 6-17+ key range. I tend to make fresh alts, get into 6+ or higher keys at level 60 and push to KSM by week 2 of being 60. I’ve only really had a handful of bad experiences through out the entire xpac.
I will say this though, there’s a lot of single players that are terrible and who get hard carried in many runs. That’s just the nature of a team game though.
I mean it varies, truly it comes down to how everyone else is playing, like for instance some players think its the sole job of the healer. To make up for the fact that their not pressing their defensives and the like for big hits or mistakes they make. Most of the time the people I have played with are chill and respectful, and typically don’t throw tantrums, although I play at the 22+ level. I do feel like the more toxic crowd is in the 15-20 range, given they tend to be the less skilled player pool IMO. Which means they tend to think their better than they really are and in turn will be the ones who go from 0-100 the most.
Nice. Which is not what they’re asking for.
Well I’m commenting on what you said. And tbh the only reason why tanks wont have cooldown is if they mismanage them and/or dps takes too long to kill things.
I don’t appreciate dishonesty. While the numbers are likely real, pretending that those DPS are at the same level is where it’s obviously not.
Tanks do roughly 60% of the damage, and it closes sharply in AoE. During cooldowns, it certainly looks much closer. And since you control the size of pulls and can align them with Berserk’s hefty 3m timer, you can probably spike enough to make it look good by the end. But it seems you’re only fooling yourself…
DPS did 10-20k in AoE during SoD. I can’t imagine what their output should actually look like today. I can, however, check Warcraft Logs.
Paladins do for the most part.
Tanks are currently doing 10-14k overall dps consistently. Depending on the key level that is either matching some of the dps players or slightly under.
You said it yourself. You’re not playing atm so you’re clueless on how much dps alot of tanks can do atm. Bear with incarn and frenzy will outdps any dps on an aoe pack. BDK do comparable dmg to dps currently. VDH has alot of burst dps. Monk not as strong as the 3 but still do alot of dmg on aoe pack. Pally with seraph built aldo do alot if dmg. I’ve seen Prot pally do 15k overall in a dungeon
Healing has been my main role for the entire xpac and I rarely get any of the abuse that you read about so often on the forums.
I do see tanks getting a lot more abuse than I do. And occasionally DPS for low damage.
I almost exclusively pug and most of my groups go smooth as can be.
I’ll take this seriously: I feel tanks can muster what looks to be competitive, where it actually matters. But that’s not what I want. I want 90% damage if the expectation is that a tank is there to push damage too. And not just AoE, but Single Target as well, where it’s notoriously different.
It’s not bad. But I also tanked when Feral and Guardian were the same spec, and during OT windows, my damage was roughly on par (though my tanking probably wasn’t). That design was killed, and I don’t think for good reason.
Healers are substantially lower because of the uptime, and that’s reasonable. If you don’t have uptime, you should do less. But if you go 100% damage as a healer, you should be at 100% damage then, right? The trade off is a dead group. The only reason they won’t do this is because “They’re going to teach them to play properly”, and that’s not very fun.
I’m not taking your statements in good faith. I think it’s best we stop responding to each other. Do you have any log parses from your bear to shut me up? Otherwise, I just won’t believe you.
DPS on logs will be lower because it calculates all of the non-combat run time as zero dps. While Details only calculates in-combat time in the DPS numbers with default settings. In either case, tanks are pulling 10-14k overall which is significant.