People who complain about PvP damage reduction

You are just putting your complete lack of PvP skills on display for everyone to laugh at. You have been getting carried by overblown SOD damage, and now that PvP requires even a little skill and planning…well time to throw a tantrum. The change is FANTASTIC for those of us who understand PvP. Hope they have this dmg reduction be perm =)


I suspect there’s going to be a few people who cant adapt until some content creator shows them the “new” way to play their class. Which is just the old way, before everyone had 2 shot capability.

Using mana drains, cc, DoTs, kiting…you know that classic stuff.

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you can’t do that when shamans have infinite mana in SOD… and don’t tell me to viper them, cause the dispel is almost instant and with no mana cost for them…

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fixed :expressionless:


people who like this garbage should leave sod and go play retail.


Its fun fighting alliance trying to pve rotation me in pvp and they die horribly.


awww the poor hunter can’t double chimera 2 tap someone anymore, game too hard for you now?


Slow boring pvp is retail style, well actually it started in TBC I guess.

Fast paced pvp is much more fun and exciting.


you need this thing called balance :expressionless:
shifting from 1 extreme to another is the sign of poor design.


"We currently plan to enable the aura on all Season of Discovery realms on Friday, April 26 at approximately 10:00 a.m. PDT (19:00 CEST), and it will be disabled four days later, during scheduled weekly maintenance in each region.

We look forward to your feedback. Thank you!"

They’ll make adjustments. It’s better than the one shot meta

It’s really not. This has nerfed STV coin gain and honor gain for the weekend by reducing kills significantly. It’s made WSG miserable with invincible flag carriers on WSG weekend. I mean I guess anyone with heals thinks this is better because they’re unkillable but it massively gimps working towards PvP rewards.


Funny the guy with 5k posts asking for RDF in Classic thinks skilled PvP is bad lmao

Then make kills or any other source of gaining honor give more per kill or more blood for kill etc. Hunters 2 shotting people with back to back chimera is a lot worse than it is now.

It’s not more skilled though.

And specifically what I said is that fast paced pvp is more fun, if you haven’t noticed this is a video game I play for fun.

Oh yeah such skill fighting literally any class that can self heal and losing as a mage because you literally run out of mana before they run out of health

Big W here guys


Classic pvp and skill in one sentence, yeah sure


Bear druids being raid bosses is in no way fun sorry to say.
Warlock tanks being raid bosses is in no way fun sorry to say.
Coupled with heals remaining untouched pvp is just dogwater.

You want munted damage with op heals go play retail.


Your ability to look like a fool on the forums is second to none, I am sure you were the type to think popping two collars was cool 10 years ago… or you werent even alive

Now I really gotta level my engineering lol. It was only a matter of time.

Don’t hunters actually have infinite mana. I feel like sham rage isn’t up a lot of the time and I’m gassed from just slaying 4 people. I could have killed 4 more if I had infinite mana…