People thinking the ZA skips do anything are the biggest examlpe of midwit IQ's

How did this fake meta trash skip even come to exist

who asked?

You just play the game differently from the majority, People play many alts and like to speed thru the pre raid content because finishing faster results in getting your valor/pre bis quicker. which allows them to raid/raid log that character. As most of us here only play to raid, some pvpers still around.

TL:DR people ran it 50 times already and want the reward to gtfo.


This is where communication is golden, so you understand if you’re on the same page as your group :slight_smile:

Don’t like the skip? /p Hey can we just clear normally?


Because wiping because someone doesn’t know the skip saves time… somehow.

It’s insane. These weirdo tanks wanna skip 1 minute of trash then wipe the group thinking it saves time.

It’s what LFD has become. Rampant ridiculous kick votes, skipping for no reason, etc etc.


…votekick inc

or verbal abuse cuz people are trash


you talking about the window skip ? it was a thing back when there were more mobs in za but now dont need it just pull the 1 pack of kittys

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I think the op is probably making the point that the skips, if done right don’t save much time anyway, but the chance of someone making a mistake and it taking longer in a pug with no communication is high.



Have you done these dungeons? this isnt tbc skipping, the side bosses are literally out of your way my dude… you have to enter buildings or go down a tunnel to get the optionals. and yes its a substantial difference. avg 20 min a run vs 35 skipping the optional bosses.

I needed the wand on 2 mages… and run nova instance tracker. you can say whatever you want but what im stating is based on factual experiences.

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Tol’vir and the Vortex Pinnacle have skips that cause it to take longer if anyone messes up or doesn’t know what to do (not bypassing any bosses, and only minor potential time savings).



you ignored the question but good deflection, work for the news/politician or lawyer? xD

(ZA SKIP WHICH we are talking about)

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Unfortunately that’s the toxic community that exists today, but what can you do.

Good job – Title is talking about ZA Skips - now if the title was only referencing Tol’vir and Vortex you’d be on track.

Linked the title for you :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

People thinking the ZA skips do anything are the biggest examlpe of midwit IQ’s - WoW Classic / Cataclysm Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

:person_shrugging: :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging: :person_shrugging:

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Oh, my bad I didn’t notice that at all!

Now this comment makes sense:

Yeah, but whenever I read the OP, I was thinking of the Tol’vir groups I’ve been in where someone jumps over the wall, some people have difficulty with it, finally get it, but it takes longer. Then the next skip, 2 people fall off mounts/don’t mount/die, and it takes way longer.

But as Radalpho nicely pointed out, that’s off-topic for this thread. My bad!


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Trust – I’ve done it plenty of times-- either didn’t read something correctly or just missed it…

I’ve done ZA w/the skips and I’m fine – I honestly don’t need anything from any dungeon so I just stopped doing them, and now we’re DE’ing more things than we need in raids so no need for crystals either.

Only time I do dungeons is if someone new joins or needs.

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i didn’t even know ZA had skips other than hugging the wall on the way to the bear boss to skip the 2 bear mobs, and using water walking to skip a patrolling pack going to the lynx boss. and even then that’s only saving like 30 seconds to a minute on each.

The community back in the day was much more toxic.


It’s very simple. For the best gaming experience, all you have to do is Just kick anyone who doesn’t know all the skips already. Then when only experienced people are left, you can just kick anyone who doesn’t perform in the top 20% of clear times. When only top 20% are left, just kick anyone not in the top 20% of that remaining subset. So on and so forth, asymptotically to zero, until there’s no reason for microsoft to continue this product.

Never try to skip with Pagle players in the group they are just going to wipe you.

The amount of People getting kicked is wildly exaggerated on these forums. I would say 95% of vote kicks I saw were because someone was afk.

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