Yes, he’s being diplomatic. I do not have to be though. No matter how much it frustrates you. The story has many plot holes. Many that may have been caused by the expac being impacted by the pandemic. Or maybe it was always planned that way. But it factually has many plotholes and things that jump the shark.
Here we go again. Essentially everyone disagrees with you, but you can declare that actually 100% of the playerbase loves the numerous Sylvanas twists, loves the way they moved from burning the tree to pointless faction war (gotta love that TV soap opera sounding war name, eh?) to Queen Azshara, quick get out of there and let’s recycle Wrathion, then into the afterlife we go.
Nah. For some reason you feel that you can make up dream stats about how everybody loves the story. Didn’t you tell us that the game is more popular than ever? The amazing story must have brought in those tens of millions of new players you’re fictionalizing. Too bad hardly anybody plays anymore, must be sharding that is hiding them from our view.
Every guild my my many characters are in except for a handful has died. A few players on my friends list still log in. I guess you must be working on the Blizzard volunteer PR squad to try to convince us that Season 4 is the busiest that the game has ever been, because without Blizzard releasing subscription numbers, it must be. Maybe it’s 30 million. You actually said that it could be any number. Maybe there are 100 million playing. Maybe the fact that raiding and PvP are down dramatically is proof that there are more players than ever?
The fact that you want to discount every comment that has been written or said anywhere means your mind is closed. For some reason you feel the need to make up fake claims to support Blizzard.
Your effort to convince forumgoers that shadowlands is a smash hit isn’t reaching those millions who are no longer playing, the ones who quit despite your hard work trying to convince them how much fun it was going to be locked in a covenant.
You really just don’t bloody get it do you…
You’re expressing your opinion on the writing, and you don’t like it. Congratulations, you’re welcome to that opinion. I am not saying you are wrong for having that opinion.
What I have said ever since I responded to Murdercarpet is that opinions on writing WILL BE SUBJECTIVE! Meaning everyone is going to have a different bloody opinion.
You’ll have an opinion on the writing, Murdercarpet will have a different opinion, Rikira will have a different one, I will have a different one, and sure people may have opinions that don’t clash, where the people making them agree, but that doesn’t change the fact that overall opinions on writing are BLOODY SUBJECTIVE!!
Do you understand it now?
No you don’t understand that how something that doesn’t make sense will never make sense. Like catapults making it across water where normally they wouldn’t. Even if you stretch to believe that somehow azerite could make it happen.
Ilvl 235? What the heck? If the game is so great, why don’t you play it anymore?
I’m done with you, at least for now. At this point I don’t know if you are just doing this to troll or you genuinely believe that writing opinions can’t be subjective, but I’m not going to keep going back and forward.
@ OP
What is it that urges you so hard to defend this guy with tooth and claw?
That’s not true. In Legion he already got the role of Senior Narrative Designer. At this point he didn’t create some quests and he certainly was no quest designer. He already developed character arcs and storylines and oversaw writing of dialogue and quests. Also he was responsible for mentoring narrative designers. This information can be found in his LinkedIn profile.
Yes, anyone who states facts somehow is a troll, I guess, lol.
Literally never said that. Nor did I imply it. I stated that the forums are a minority, which they are. This is a well known fact. Sorry you don’t agree with it.
You can join Soule on the bench for a while. Bye.
I’ll keep it warm for your use when you get tired of this hill you are on.
No they don’t get it my opinion is basically neutral liked parts of it primarily the Ardenweald story campaign and the ending with Ysera and other parts I didn’t such as the Burger King Crown.
Like I’m willing to hold back on any harsh opinions till Dragonflight because
- I know how poorly Blizzard employees are treated
- Covid is still going around
- The Lawsuit happened
- A lot of people have been fired, promoted or just left
Like, I’m not saying their opinions on the story are wrong, but for some reason they’re acting like I am saying they are, when all I actually said is that opinions on writing are extremely subjective.
Just like opinions on movies and music.
You throw out a track by Bruce Springsteen or Bon Jovi to a crowd of 200 people and unless you managed to grab 200 Bruce Springsteen or Bon Jovi fans by accident, they’re going to all have different opinions on the music. None of those opinions are wrong, because they’re subjective.
Subjective is if you like something.
Objective is such things like plot holes, retcons or yet unexplained things existing.
For instance. Let me use an example from even before Danuser’s time. Kael’thas teaming up with the very Legion that poisoned the well. Damning his own people. It doesn’t really make sense. It was only done because they needed raid bosses for TBC.
But subjectively some people might still like that story, despite there being nothing between Kael going to Outland to find a solution for his people and then suddenly becoming a Legion stooge.
The story has had a lot of situations like that over the years.
I 100% know that I could have done a better story than whoever has been doing the story lately.
I am confident
Please understand what definitions are before you try to use them to create an argument.
Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.
(of a person or their judgement) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.
So when you are talking about whether you like or dislike a piece of writing, you are being subjective, since you are creating an opinion based off of your personal tastes. You can have a negative opinion and it can be subjective just as easily as you can have a positive opinion and it can be subjective.
Objective is when you remove personal feelings or opinions out of a statement. So for example, if I were to say that the writing of World of Warcraft is full of plot holes, that is an objective fact, because it is.
But if I were to say, I hate the writing because it is full of plotholes, then I have brought my own opinion into it, based on my own feelings, which makes it subjective.
English is hard, I know.
There is none of what I said about the retcons, plot holes or unexplained things that is anything about personal feelings.
I even said, you can like story despite it having flaws. It’s the flaws that are factual. Go back and re-read. English is definitely difficult for you.
Anyway, since this thread has devolved into a full on clown show with a peanut gallery, I’m stepping out and muting it. Have a nice day folks.
Opinions on particular stories, certainly, but writing itself, as a craft, not so.
One can be of the opinion that, say, Tolkien presents a well-constructed and fleshed out world, and a story that poses few if any plot-necessitated inconsistencies in The Lord of the Rings, and they would be objectively correct. They can say that his work presents an excellent grasp of the English language, and, presuming one were to delve into the inspirations behind the various events, characters, creatures and so on that inhabit it, a deep knowledge of mythology and folklore, and they would be objectively correct.
This same person can think The Lord of the Rings is a steaming pile that should never have seen the light of day, that the world is hideous and rife with all that in life they disdain. They can curse Tolkien for his work and damn whatever spirit or other force of creativity inspired him to create it, and ward others off therefrom in as many scathing words as they can muster. Then is when it becomes subjective.
Retcons are another example of objectively bad writing. If one thing did one thing earlier in the story, and was shown consistently doing that one thing for a good length of time, and suddenly it just no longer does that thing, despite all former instances of said thing being the case, that presents an inconsistency in the world. A world that is inconsistent is more difficult to become invested in varying based on how wide-reaching the inconsistency is, and because the primary goal of the work is, among other things, to draw players into the world, this inconsistency presents a fault in the product, and is thus, to the state of the game and the entertainment of the player base, definitely bad.
Shadowlands had a bad narrative, but it was still miles, and miles better told and uses more well established concepts/ideas than the true narrative evil of Warcraft:
Burning Crusade, and many parts of Frozen Throne.
Burning Crusade is single handidly the WORST story they have ever told. There’s so much about it that didn’t add up, abandoned storylines, rushed resolutions, and bad writing to justify scenarios.
BC was so bad narratively, that 80% of the content in Legion 7.0-7.2 was spent retconning it
It was always a weak excuse from Hazzikostas to blame their incompetence on the older team. They are just not fit for the position they’re working. It is crystal clear what the players want, for over a decade.
Yet the - simple - story ended in a mess. It would have been very, very easy to avoid the pitfalls by just breaking a taboo and jump back in time, with Dragonflight still happening but also the Bronze Dragons being angry at the player and their factions.
Everything could have been avoided. The whole BfA fiasco. It was very clear that the community and customers don’t like what happened the past five years.