People putting ilvl requirement on M0 week 2

People are tired of wiping 3x to an m0 boss due to undergeared players doing no damage and not knowing mechanics

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As always, the playerbase continues to be the worst element of this particular game.

If you’re not 370 at this point you’re not trying, why would I want you in my M0 group

Aw always lazy and inefficient players continue to feel entitled.

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“Why aren’t people playing as much as meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”

No one cares how much people play. There are hundreds of thousands of people who are actively playing at competitive levels and hundreds of thousands that are taking their time. Only the savor the moment players are getting bent out of shape.

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“Why can’t people carry me because I’m lazy”

If you are not being invited and refuse to make your own groups then you are just lazy and entitled. Plain and simple.

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I start my own group i’ve been denied a bunch i dont take it personal but its funny watching the same group in party finder with no healer for 20mins. :grin: :woman_shrugging:

I’d say the person making a group insisting on hilariously overgeared teammates is looking for just as much of a carry.

You don’t think people who are already geared might be making groups with high requirements?

I used to do M+15 vault runs with 2300 score requirements when KSM was 2000. I was 2600.

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Some are for sure. The 330 person in my example looking to ride along and hopefully get loot funneled fits this bill.

Others, however, just want to play with other players that have a similar mindset and similar skillset. A 370 person setting a 370 requirement isn’t looking for a carry. They’re looking for 4 likeminded people to quickly smash the dungeon and move on to the next.


Ya so they are more likely to be able to trade. Why would you want someone in there that needs every piece?

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because it’s random strangers’ job to gear me up :sob:

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