People opposed to Convenant lockins

What if what makes my toon my toon is the aesthetics from necrolords, but the gameplay from night fae? What then?

I don’t think “the classes,” want anything. They’re just a series of 1s and 0s on a server somewhere. The PLAYERS that want an aesthetic will have to make their choice based on what they want now won’t they? I honestly don’t care if someone unsubs because they can’t get everything they want. It’s an RPG, you’re not supposed to get everything. Heck by that logic we’d better give every class every ability because people might unsub if they don’t get what they want. God forbid people be forced to make a choice that might take something away from them like which class to play.

Ah yes, this old phrase. I’m still waiting for one person to show me an mmorpg that locks gameplay behind an rp choice beyond classes. Care to try?

To borrow a phrase from you, why beyond classes, classes don’t exist in a vacuum.

But to humor your nonsensical question. They’re called racials. You may have noticed some uproar here 6+ months ago when Night Elves were dominating M+ Alliance side because they could skip some of the nastiest trash pulls you couldn’t shroud?

What if i don’t want to be a pointy eared elf. What if i want to be a short fiery dark iron dwarf and still be able to hide in the shadows. What then Blizzard! CATER TO ME!

Yea, race, class, and faction are the ways we choose to experience the entire game. They are choices that matter, you might say. In 2 years covenants will mean absolutely nothing, but we’ll still be playing on our chosen faction, as our chosen race, as our chosen class. So once again, gameplay being separated from covenants doesn’t make them less meaningful, it actually makes the rp more meaningful.

Then I have got good news for you. You don’t need to be a point eared elf on the live game. You can create a temporary one on the mdi tournament realm temporarily.

Well except for every other Affliction Warlock that goes Maldraxxus. You’ll be no different from them. And honestly you won’t be much different than other Afflic Warlocks except for one ability.

Like I said, I’m going to pick a covenant the way you are. I run with a great guild and have for 10 years now. Many of my guildies love to min/max, run sims, and push themselves to the absolute limit. That’s what they enjoy and there’s nothing wrong with that. I use to push with them but I no longer have the desire. They know and understand this. I will still raid and run keys with them. They know if something I’m doing or a choice I made is holding the team back, I will step out. Just like I know once they have an encounter down, they’ll bring me back in for the kill. The reason I told you this is so you can see where I’m coming from in the covenants discussion.

lemmie fix that for you: a bunch of vocal whiners who mostly consist of forum goers, redditors, and outrage merchants that decided to call themselves content creators, all of which aggregate to an actual player population metric in the single digit percentile. cord pullers are free to voice their distaste but blizzard is going through with their vision and I couldn’t agree with it more.

And Blizzard introduced Convenant as another choice that would do the same thing, specifically for Shadowlands. Appropriate right? Considering this is basically our AFTER life.

And no, all those choices are meaningful BECAUSE they effect gameplay. If races made no difference gameplay wise, the choice would be that much less meaningful.

They practically don’t. Covenants will have much more impact gameplay wise than race ever did. Yet race is permanent, covenants are not. Covenants are only as meaningful as the number of subs that drop as a result of them.

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Did you even read the sentence you quoted. Seriously? Read it again, and then read your response. Honestly how am i supposed to even respond to that. It’s like you just randomly answered someone else in the middle of your response to me.

I’m one that will pick my convenant based on usefulness, but many in my guild will pick for aesthetics and that’s fine too. But if the choice means nothing, both our choices are cheapened, and that is not fine.

They do actually. I take advantage of my UD on a regular basis. Did you know Cannibalize is still a thing? I cannot tell you how many people have died to me in WPVP because of a fear+NOM NOM NOM NOM. Not all racials make a huge difference but lightforged draeni have another attack to use. It’s actually fairly powerful.

And again, if Blizzard was making decisions based only on sub numbers, we’d be flying day 1.

Why do you play a forsaken?

I am just curious if we have any data that will show us what is the impact of being a part of one covenant rather than another?
How much % of dps will kyrian retribution paladin for example, be doing more than venthyr one, just so we know what are we talking about exactly?

The biggest problems with covenant abilities aren’t % dps numbers, they are mechanics. A lot of covenant abilities have no synergy with the class they are for, meaning they will likely never see use in any kind of content. A lot look like they were designed by people who have never seen the class before.

A combination of factors really. If you REALLY want to know.

  1. My first toon was an Orc hunter way back in Vanilla, this warlock was my first alt.
  2. Back in Vanilla, my choice for warlock was undead or Orc. I didn’t want to do another Orc leveling zone.
  3. Underwater breath+summoning stone=bottom of the ocean funtimes for me.

Data to back it up? Are all of those just assumptions? How do you find out which covenant will be dead? Just curious.

While some have significantly LESS synergy, this statement tells me you haven’t done any real research and are basing it entirely on the abilities themselves. Perhaps from a video you watched?

The conduits provide alot of the class specific synergy. Obviously some are still way stronger than others, but NO Convenant has zero synergy with ANY class.

About a month ago blizzard asked for detailed feedback. Beta testers gave quite the effort. It’s a pretty good, albeit hype killing, read.

I came to find out there’s actually no issues with changing covenants. It’s only when you go back to a covenant that you were previously in that will take 2 weeks to do. Also the expansion seems to be pretty alt-friendly, so I’m not as against this as I used to be. I might just go ahead and make 2 Druids for this expac.

I did read it and the answer still holds. You’ll be different than Afflic warlocks who don’t go Maldraxxus but no different than those who do and this is some how meningful?


No, way different than this as the choice of covenant locks the player out of 3 other major story lines. That alone is really more meaningful than being locked to an ability. Now you can run alts for the other 3 but your first experiences in SL will be the story line of the first convenant you choose.

Covenants would be better if they weren’t tied to player power imo :man_shrugging:

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