People Here Need to Grow Up

I’ll have you know I’m the next big clout mumble rapper on soundcloud I deserve a beta invite does Blizzard know the HUGE opportunity they are missing without giving me a beta?

You have to give us a rap first lol. The floor is yours. I wait with anticipation :kissing_heart:

O look another thread about streamers.

What could go wrong


Where is that comedy thread Laeric?

That would be a breath of fresh air about now lol.

Shameless plug incoming!


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Lol thanks!

Don’t know how I missed that.

Just gonna say it since I have everywhere else.
Sharding/layering is garbage. Arguing over internet people showing a game is equally garbage.

Nice paragraphs though my dude.

Agree, but starting think it’s a necessary evil for a short while sadly.

Also agree.

Yes, but blizzard has burnt us in the past so I doubt it’ll be for a short while. It’s going to suck the great part of always running into familiar faces until phase two. Then, hopefully, it will be removed.

Then that will be another thing of economy clashing, and seeing the servers populations. Will it be 2-3 thousand or 9-10 thousand after the layer condense.

This has actually been my concern all along. That it wouldn’t really only be in the beginning and that somehow it would just end up being a part of the game. Sharding has pretty much been the big deal breaker for me.

There are a couple things giving me hope in this. One is that I saw an interview with Ion where he promised it would be removed within a few weeks. He said they would end up collapsing all the layers into one. The second thing is I was in the stress test this past Wednesday and Thursday and I was pretty pleased with what I saw by the end.

I won’t go into a ton of detail here, but basically, the last hour or so of the stress test I saw people saying in chat that Ragnaros had been spawned. Unfortunately because of layering, everyone couldn’t see him so chat was scrolling faster than I have ever saw in this game with people asking for invites to the layer Rag was in. I won’t deny that was frustrating and discouraging.

At first I was definitely being put in different layers because there would be a lot of people around, and then suddenly hardly anyone. People would just disappear. But, before all was said and done, I was quite impressed because I think Blizzard started collapsing the layers to see how the server could handle all the people in an area. We were all at the entrance to Stormwind by the way.

By the time the servers shut down there were literally hundreds of people there. It was amazing. Noone was phasing in and out or anything. I have screenshots but no idea how to post them here lol. But seeing that, it gave me hope. It gave me hope that Blizzard is going to stick to their word and seeing them test it throughout the day showed me they do care and are really trying to get this right.

My concern before was what are they going to do during the opening of the Gates of AQ or when big world PvP events happen? I really thought they would use sharding. But the end of the stress test showed me that the servers can easily hold hundreds of people in a small area without crashing and sharding. It was a ton of fun.

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I too was there, but I was authentication fodder so never got to get in after a fun 5 hour head bashing.

Some of my friends also got in and said it was horrible and they were testing the mechanic by group hopping and relogging when it wasn’t as busy the next day.

And I think the interview you’re thinking was when it was still just entry level zone sharding, they haven’t said much on the layering topic.

dude blame Blizzard for that. They literally dangled candy in front of bunch of people, then said “only streamers and few people can get in”.

This is a huge eff* up by Blizzard, the once who do need to grow up are people who run Blizzard. They don’t understand what they are doing. They are very succesful, but they are clueless in many ways on managing community.

Oh, I didn’t get in that night either that it went live. This is the next day I’m talking about. I tried for hours the night it went live and finally had to give up for the night. The next day I got to spend quite a bit of time and the event I was talking about happened the night they shut the servers down, Thursday night.

The video I am referring to is actually a new one where Ion is specifically talking about layering. I will try to find it and later edit this with the video.

Edit: It won’t allow me to post links and I can usually embed videos in my posts but having issues with this particular video. But if you go to YouTube and do a search for “World of Warcraft Classic - Developer Interview | Media Event 2019”, that is where you will see Ion talking about layering. It’s an interesting interview. This was from about a week ago.

Yea sadly I had a twelve hours shift the next day so I got off as it was already offline.

I also saw a couple of videos of the different streams and what not, wish I could have joined in on it. Maybe next time if I’m not stuck in authentication land again.

I understand that completely lol. Well, maybe we both will have better luck this Wednesday! :crossed_fingers: I hope you get the chance to experience it more this time Fjall.

Oh, I edited my above post with where to find the video I was referring to. Having issues posting it in my post but do that search in YouTube and it will pop up right away. It starts about 5 minutes in talking about layering.

Isn’t that how people grow? They grow up? :thinking:

I suppose some people grow width wise as well as growing up…

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I suppose I should have clarified. Grow up mentally and with some maturity?

His phrasing in the video is what is bothering me. The “we want” and “should be”. These phrases are what they always do when they are on the fence about things.

So then one half of the get population believes them and the other half are overly pessimistic. I’m sadly the later after all the years. That and it’s always better to plan for the worst and hope for the best.

Yeah all the talk about streamers is very tedious. Say something entertaining you monkeys!:banana::banana:

How did you let me miss this thread!?!?!!?!?