People Here Need to Grow Up

Ok, I’m going to start off by saying I rarely ever make a thread. I do reply in threads on occasion and enjoy posting here and being a part of this community for the most part.

With that said, the way some in this community has been acting regarding streamers lately and the beta in general is just beyond childish. I never watched streamers at all until the last week. There are a couple I have found that I like because they genuinely seem like nice people. But this community is like a raging mob towards these people when the rage is unjustified. Blizzard is the one who decided to invite them to help market their product. In the scheme of all things, the amount of streamers in the beta is very small opposed to the total amount of people in the beta.

I’m not in the beta either. Would I have liked to be? Of course. But I am adult enough and mature enough to understand that not every single one of us is going to get into this thing. I myself am also a Vanilla player like the majority of you. I’m not going to deny that I myself didn’t get a bit frustrated during the stress test when people started saying all the streamers were in when none of us could get in. I had my short moment of thinking it wasn’t fair, blah, blah, blah.

But here’s the thing and honestly, what I just saw made me almost sick. I decided to go to Twitch and see if any of the streamers I have come to like lately was on. I saw Esfand was on so clicked on him. Immediately I noticed he looked exhausted. And what was he being bombarded with? Hate from this awesome Classic community because how dare he get a beta invite and we didn’t. It was honestly disgusting. Then there was some guy talking to him over voice chat or whatever cussing and flipping out about streamers, beta and all this.

This mob mentality and childish behavior is truly disgusting and while I was never one to defend streamers before, the way I just saw one get treated changed my mind. These people are being treated like pure dirt right now because how dare they get to play a game a few months before you. It is a game all, just a game! These are real people. Get over yourselves. My child acts more mature than a lot of the people here lately.


0/10 bad troll.


0/10 No originality.


Do you understand the difference between a post and a thread?


Edit: Honestly, you all can bash me all you like right now. I don’t care. I knew I would get bashed when I made this thread but what I just watched was sickening and somehow many of you seem to think it’s ok and acceptable to treat people in such a way all because you aren’t in a beta.

I get we are all excited and anxious to play. But have some common decency for crying out loud.


I agree. This has honestly got out of hand. There needs to be more moderation on these threads… The same vitriol keeps being repeated. The toxic posts outnumber the positive ones.

People need to take a step back and consider just how much this is impacting their lives already. The game isn’t even out yet. I’m concerned the people here are not going to handle the game well. The addiction is real.


TL DR: Someone who is new to forums and internet culture and is now upset at said culture.


most streamers are purposely inciting mob mentality. e.g comparing themselves to other people and putting them down.

makes a topic about how the result of said incitement is childish and disgusting.


The streamer I watch tells people off for talking negatively about other streamers lol, even different factions. Even naysayers that come in and try to hate, he encourages people to hear them out. A lot of streamers are nice and decent people.


Not saying I don’t agree with you, but why post this and indirectly create more attention around the subject?


New to forums and internet culture? Far from it.

So I suppose it’s ok to spew hate on people who has something you don’t because it’s internet culture? Give me a break. Just because you are hiding behind a screen doesn’t mean it should be ok to form a mob and gang up on people.

Ironically enough I have read two articles regarding this very thing today. One on CNN and another in an email I received from Xbox. If you think it’s ok, you are part of the problem.


If I wasn’t fresh out of allotted likes, I’d like your post OP.

Have a mental like on me.


Doesn’t matter what you say sadly. The trolls are here to incite you and anyone of us that supports you. And many of them would rather live in slums and garbage than use their heads and move on to a better place. They’ve never had to grow up and it shows., Honestly, I’m glad most of my guild is sticking off the forum that I’ve seen. The negativity will disenfranchise many and hinder the Classic community.

I am far from perfect myself, but I’d rather argue over classes and other actual parts of the game than items like layering already decided upon or streamers. Arguing about streamers won’t stop them from having beta. And the ones crying about them must live pretty miserable lives. However, this is online gaming and people tend to rather enjoy this than actually making progress by listening to your criticism.

Don’t let them drag you down into their hovels in the ground. We’ll persevere and enjoy Classic.


Hear, hear!

Seriously. Ignore the trolls. I started a comedy thread, let’s just post there and have some merriment for once.


I wasn’t trying to bring more attention to the subject really. I had just got done seeing that and it seriously almost made me sick. I had to turn it off.

I suppose the reason I made this thread was to somehow say hey, this isn’t ok all. The thing is I should have known it would fall primarily on deaf ears. I just can’t stand bullies and I am the type of person that speaks out against it.

Being frustrated and disappointed about not getting into a beta is one thing. Spewing hate at the people relentlessly who are in it is another thing entirely. And by the way, a friend of mine is in the beta and he is not a streamer. It’s just the luck of the draw.


Believe me, I know what you mean about bullies. I can’t stand for that either.


Finally another adult in this. It’s amazing how pathetic some of these people are. There should be zero expectation of being in the beta, and yet these snowflakes scream and cry as if they have nothing else important in their life.

Streamers deserve to be in it because they provide a service to the company, you don’t. This should be obvious.


What’s funny to me is these forums were just fine before the stress test. After that it’s been flooded with people crying about streamers. One has to wonder if the streaming community is responsible for the toxicity in the first place.

There has been a lot of crying for no reason, and a lot of people acting insanely entitled.

I have nothing against streamers, but my advice is stay away from the servers they are on, because a lot of toxicity will follow. Again, nothing against them, I love watching some of them, but it just comes with the territory.

Even then, we literally got Ythisens weighing in on another thread earlier confirming that this “streamer bias” does not exist.

…Author of the thread proceeded to attack Ythisens after that.

Seriously, guys, what more does it take?


I think we may just need to make more positive posts to outnumber the toxic ones. I feel sorry for new people coming here and seeing what all the buzz is about, only to be met with the whining and complaints.

It makes me wonder if the Classic community has actually disappeared over all these years. The community was a strong pull for many, but there seems to be a large number of “me me me” players.

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It is unfair to lump everyone into the same category. Maybe most do that, I can’t honestly say. But all don’t. So should we just go into a streamers stream cussing them and spewing hate because we don’t have beta? Really?

Do you all really not see there is something wrong with that? You really justify to yourself in some twisted way that it’s perfectly ok to treat people in such a way all because of a game? Unreal.