People getting banned by killing goldfarmers in incursion

I don’t understand, my friends were getting banned due to killing people mainly goldfarmers in incursions, we are playing in pvp server. why the hell this stuff happened???

I have a friend that buys gold too, then reports the players name that sent him the gold in the mail.

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i mean i could see that person getting banned, but killing goldfarmers ended up getting banned??? really?

Are you sure they got banned, and not squelched? It’s a common tactic of the bots to mass report people who are interfering with their botting directly. Mass reports result in a squelch (kicks + silence), not a ban.

If they got banned, that’s something else.


You don’t know it was “gold farmers” at all. If you were banned you’d have received an email saying why.

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Oh cmon Deunan. Stop the corporate shilling.

Magical (or at least pretzel twisting) think to hand wave away a ban (if it was that and not a chat silence) when the email doesn’t generally give info that specific is totally honest and fact-based.

Link a ss of the email, opie.
Let’s see it.

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They just trying to feed their families.

Season Of Swiping.

I love you, man, but you gotta get new and exciting material.
This way leads to the Dark Side :expressionless: emojis and Frossty-ism.

I mean, I can like OP and just lie instead? seems to get more support than reality does lmao. Isn’t that a thing :rofl:.


Are you hitting on me?

My brother in the Light/Elune/Earthmother/deity or higher power of your choice,
I am simply looking out for the forum content.
Don’t be the meme.

I am the forums.

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