People fighting the Holiday Boss, please use the potions!

Can everyone fighting the holiday bosses please start using either


Preferably both depending on which one is still alive.
Just went OOM on my priest alt and ended this fight with everyone at 50-60% health only because the damage going out dropped quite a bit once we were down to just Frye.
It is literally a gimmick fight where you use those potions to negate the constant aoe damage going out. If you are going to stack and burn, either have better DPS or use the potions!

Never happened to me, were you all level 20?


Levels were all over the place, my priest being 112. At one point the tank was taking so much damage I almost lost one of the DPS.
Everybody stood in the pools and the bosses were up for quite a bit of time.

But… I can solo the boss on my lock.


When you were fresh and your mana
Was completely full
You used to say you’d make them live
(You know you did)
(You know you did)
(You know you did)

But if these always random pugs
That you get grouped with
Make you give in and cry
Say just let them die :musical_note:


Thank you, Paul.

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How? I basically solo all 3 of them before my health even starts to move.

Level scaling, not everyone has 400 ilvl and the scaling is wacky to say the least.
On some of my characters I could 100% solo the bosses without using the potions. On others, especially those below 120, not so much.


ah man nah, if you see me or my alts, make it interesting, stand in that shhhhhtuff :yum:

edit: heals

I’ve been doing these dailies on 2 healers and have not had any issues what so ever, even with ilvls all over the place. Perhaps the problem was the group you had loved to stand in stuff, or the tank you had wouldn’t move the bosses out of the stuff.

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Why? U die u res right there… and more than half the basta… peeps that que healer never heal.