People exploting flexible raid size, kicking player as soon boss is pulled

Today I was invited to a group that was killing Smolderon in Amidrassil. As soon the boss was pulled the raid leader ( Soggywhenwet-Stormrage ) kicked me. That was odd because I didn’t ninja pulled or nothing, just got summoned into the raid.

Talking to a friend, he told me that people do this in order to exploit the flexible raid size, this way the boss will be harder to kill, but will drop extra loot. I probably wasn’t the only person kicked in that raid.

The problem with that is that now I got raid lockout for this boss and don’t even get a chance to loot.

This was disgusting behaviour from the raid leader, and also an exploit of the flexible raid said. This is also prejudicial to the game, how can I trust to join another raid group, if this can happen again?

That kind of thing makes me lose interest in this game. I don’t even have hopes that something will be done in regards to this, since there is not a report option for this kind of behaviour.

I’m Just expressing my frustration here,

I haven’t played on ED in quite sometime and that definitely doesn’t sound like the ED I used to know. I’m sure that somebody will be along shortly to offer you a hot beverage or something. In the mean time…

Don’t let one bad experience push you away from the game if you truly do enjoy playing it. There is a big wide world of players out there who don’t act like that raid leader.

I truly am sorry for your experience. Keep your chin up friend. :+1:

Cheers :beers:

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Yeap, sorry, I’ve posted in the wrong server, tbh This was a cross-realm problem, I was playing on Azralon while the raid leader on Stormrage.

Anyway, thanks for you comment. I know that there are a lot of good people playing this game, I’ll just be out of raiding for now on

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That is why joining a guild and an organized raid team is encouraged and is best…I used to pug 100% of the time up until MOP and I stopped after that…

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I’m sorry this happened, I feel like pugging is like the wild West sometimes.

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I’ll try to join one now. Since I was only doing normals for the legendary weapon, I didn’t mind the pugs, but this kind of behavior was really frustrating.

It sure is Wild West, I’m from Brazil and here the game is kind of expensive to keep up with all the expansion packs and game time, so a lot of my friends stopped playing. Now I just play with 3 friends, and we try to do m+ content, since this way we need to pug fewer people.

Hopefully, in the next expansion, there is something to do solo too. like Visions of N’zoth.

I know that since it’s a MMO this its not supposed to be played as a single player, but when I have a limited amount of time to play (due to work and other chores ). would be nice to have other ways to get good gear other than group content.