People don't believe in the Guardian Druids

I’ve mastered the art of bear tanking, earning 2860 points to prove it. However, despite timed runs of the same dungeons in 22s, I found myself repeatedly kicked out of 20s dungeons simply for not being a “meta” tank. It’s a disheartening experience to feel like no matter how much you improve, your chosen spec will always be viewed as inferior.


thats why we need to keep bothering blizz to fix druids, u can be a top tier player, but if the class isnt performing like the others u will always be d tier :frowning:

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Blizzard can’t fix a negative community perception though. Again, fully capable Druid with the experience to back it up, being dropped by someone who’s unable to see the value of a good tank.

If the group NEEDS meta specs to compete, it’s not a group you want to be in anywho.


but u cant deny that our talents are horrid and bear mastery is scuffed


That’s a really excellent score. I think if you want to really keep improving though, you’re going to have to find yourself a regular group. At the high end, m+ is all about having an organized group. One guardian druid who does Youtube videos of some top end keys (not much higher than you actually) is Oharroo.

Because it’s a fact. High key bears just play because they like it, not for competition.


they can just dont want do it. just see the Feral perception compared to old expansion


I mean that’s the life of anything not “Meta” and walking into a Pug.

You can thank everyone in this forum for that.

They have made it their life’s goal to perpetuate the negative stigma associated with guardian at every given opportunity.

They are their own worst enemy.

They think they are giving “constructive feedback” but it’s not blizzard who’s reading these posts. It’s fotm rerollers who only want the easy road and jump ship at the first sign of trouble.


Feral though, went from horrible to great because of the new talents.
Its pretty simple just make the spec actually good and hey now positive perspective.


Feral wasn’t horrible in SL.

More negative stigma perpetuated by you.

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Ehhhh. You can pretend things are awesome all you want but at some point people are going to notice the very real problems bear has in it’s actual kit.

The people playing at the very top aren’t a couple keylevels behind because of bear stigma.

Edit: And the reason a very skilled, very coordinated group might fail a 25 can be some of the same deficiencies that make it difficult to pug a 20.


I agree with most of what was said here, I cant say I blame people PUGing such high keys for wanting to stick with the meta though. When you PUG you just look for any advantage possible to offset the reduced communication. Well done on the mythic plus score though that is def impressive this season as a bear.

It was not good m8. It started getting better in season 3 and 4.
You would have o be dillusional to think they were in a good spot then.

It was a matter of at the start of season 3 they were seen to have great single target, then other classes got gear and people realized they are at best middle of the pack in single target.

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Why do you continually quote logs from top end players to determine who’s going to run with you in your grey parsing raid?

Keep pushing that stigma, you donut.

Ferals were by no means “horrible” in any aspect of SL.

Stop using terms like “middle of the pack” if you don’t understand what that means. Ok, Ricky Bobby?

I never said otherwise.

I even agree there’s some much needed attention required.

The problem is though…. The vast majority of players aren’t running 20’s. They are playing at a level where it’s doesn’t matter what tank you bring. Yet they push the stigma regardless. It’s donuts like them who bring this class down.

I wouldn’t hesitate for a second at inviting a 2860 rated tank to my party, regardless of their class, Christ…. I’d invite their fresh alt.

The rating alone speaks volumes to their skill, I could give a good god damn what class they play.

But you got this stigma being pushed by idiots and it’s ruining the game for everyone.


You seem to not actually pay attention too meta do you…
They were considered among the worst dps specs to choose. That and of course having to compete with balance made them a bad pick in general.

Btw what does raid group have too do with this? Kinda random there buddy.
Especially since ye know was parsing easily high enough to get into a very good guild if i so desired.

Feral lacked good aoe damage for the entire expansion, save for the very end in berserk windows with 4pc maybe?

It did (and still does) have the niche of strong funnel damage, specifically with Apex. It also had the standard druid utility, and high sustained single target damage.

The spec wasn’t meta by any means, but not as awful as perception would say it was. Many feral one tricks were still finding success.

Feral routinely held top logs on mythic parses of pure single target bosses. Shriekwing in Castle, Guardian in Sanctum, and Skolex/Halondrus all saw Feral performing well, even the top log on a few of them.

The problem that bears at the top face isn’t just unique to high keys though. While I agree that every tank (or every spec for that matter) can clear 15s and 20s, that statement ignores the fact that a Bear will require more effort. We aren’t players who are at the top, some of us might peak at 15s, or 20s, or 22, whatever. The point is that the ceiling is lower for bears, regardless of where the player peaks.

This has almost nothing to do with it. Feral would be competing with other melee for spots, not ranged dps. Not to mention the fact that both Feral and Balance are in fantastic spots right now; they don’t eat each other’s viability, if anything it makes the class more viable as a whole.

One of the people in my m+ circle plays a Shadow priest. The fact that I can make the conscious decision to say “hey, I have this spec with a 15 second kick that I can play”, and do similar damage is such a good thing.


Sorry i have the mind of m+ mainly, raid kinda leaves my mind for the most part (especially this boring raid teir). I think mainly m+ when thinking about how a spec preforms.

My druid tank is 2.6k IO, my main is 2.7k++. Timed a few 20’s on my druid and timed all 20’s on my main.
I would say it is real hard to get in a pug grp as a bear tank. A few times when I was invited into a 20 keys, the healer will just say bear tank? N leave… Sometime the DPSer will do it too…
Druid tank is at a real bad spot right now, we are so far behind all other tank it is absurd.