Its never been this bad especially in epic battlegrounds. today i have joined 7 losing games in a row with so many people leaving and forcing others to take their spot. it cycles 100 players through on average.
same thing with heroic dungeons. its not the one they wanted on random so the tank and healer leave before first pull leaving the rest of us waiting 20 minutes plus for replacements.
we need harsher punishments for rage quiters. account wide debuffs that start at a hour and ramp up. its getting really bad
Maybe the 7 BGs lost in a row are why they’re leaving? Bear in mind, unless it was unranked, you ARE punished for losing, and I know I’d certainly be done after 7 losses. That’s a lot of time wasted both in the actual wait for the BG to pop AND in the BG itself, and usually it’s the most avoidable losses possible.
People are playing epic BGs on the PTR?
its feedback for the up coming patch
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When the PTR ends, the forum gets wiped.
Not that they read feedback anyway, but if this is about the live game, I would post it in General Discussion over this forum.
Good luck!
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its in live and ptr. leaving feedback exactly where they said to
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