It’s like a wotlk preg pally but with more ranged spells. This spec is completely unhinged. It removes all of rets weaknesses (low health, lack of slow, lack of ranged damage, major dps loss from dispells). It’s also ALL spell damage. Ret at least has some tradeoffs, the shock monkey shield wearer does not.
Leave paladins along. Make more threads ask for buffs to Mages and Warriors.
I mean, they fixed shockadin with the bubble nerfs, job well done (they “might” need more changes but idk I haven’t touched sod since hc fresh dropped). On the other hand for some reason, someone thought rogues needed buffs, they should be fired and blacklisted from any class balancing positions.
Looooool the horde Will never stop complaining about paladins. You need the 4 paladin specs nerfed???
The people was complaining about bubble, it was nerfed and shaman buffed.
Now please horde take your mouth closed.
Honestly Paladin has been fine even before the bubble nerf, infact that nerf hardly scratched the horde and shamans consistent complaining.
The fact of the matter is simply that any shaman build with WoE/ES/Riptide/SR/Burn is completely overtuned for no good reason other than “PvE”. WoE allows for ele warden playstyle, Burn AoE spread is the most busted thing anyone has seen, ES/Riptide are Cheap/Instant heals, SR is Barkskin+Innervate on Steroids.
Truly a hero class being in a class of it’s own.
(yes nerf shaman again and please adjust Hardiness/WoTF to WOTLK version)
ret is a god class right now, good at everything too. Makes sense, aggrend plays it. He buffed it to being #2 being feral in ICC as well. We all knew SoD would be a clown fiesta after those senseless changes. Man becomes the game’s producer and just buffs his own class to the stars. Really dumb and damaging to the game.
Season of Hybrids is what we got. Mortal strike crits for what a moonfire dot crits for in a lot of situations now. They have clear biases. I made a PTR shockadin and was running around spamming 3.5-4k holy shocks when the BiS warrior was doing 2.5k MSs to a 0 armor target. Actual clown fiesta.
Both pallys and shamans are OP they are hybrids turned hero classes in sod that excel in too many facets of pvp. The only reason you see pally cries is because shaman counters pally.
counters like half of melee tbh whilst being a brickwall that aint cracking at all. not just pallies.
Try shockadin if you want that same experience.
its bearable as shockadin but still… jesus christ trying to justify this shaman clownery is pretty impressive.
Aggrend had nothing to do with the wotlk buff. If fact, he replied to the post that resulted in the buff being done, saying rets did not need a buff and wouldn’t be buffed. You can go look it up right here on the forums.
Fighting paladin as a non shaman is a similar experience. Why is BRM ally routinely 30-50% paladin? Because the class is so bad? Paladins think their class is weak because they are countered by shamans while the rest of the non shaman player base still has to suffer from their oppressiveness. Deeply disturbing stuff.
you do realize you cant run es along side woe at the same time right?
So what if you cannot? It’s either of those 2 and it doesn’t matter, because both abilities at the end of the day just bump up tankyness and/or healing for toomuch.
it means you havent even done the research to know that you cant which throws into question your other observations about the subject.
they are literally interchangable, but not like it matters lol because either of those will allow shamans to be tanky and/or boost their healing.
Guessing that 4.3k post counter comes from defending your broken class.
no . they really are not. es without the purification talent is a horrible heal per hit.
way of earth is way more tanky than es even with purification talent and nobody is running it that is a tank spec shaman.
but again you wouldnt know cause you dont do the actual research on the class youre trying to tear down.
Anti-spellpushback protection on a class that has… howmuch of it? Oh right 0 spellpushback protection, at least its 30% and 9 stacks.
aha sure, surely helping you against the thing in the back called ranged, that is only worth against melee. congratz you will be ranged fodder.
again trying to hide the fact how broken your class is. wonderful deception.
4.3k of useless shaman defending posts, it’s wonderful how delu you guys are.
10 posts from you posting actual wrong information vs my post count that is clearly correcting you and has obviously discussed the actual facts about it…
hmm wonder which a random would choose.
honestly ive said tank specs of all specs need to be balanced somehow. i just dont agree with how to do it .
I got a wonderful idea, disable WoE / HoR / SoTF / Meta / whatever rogues use - runes in PvP. No more tanky shamans or anything else. Sounds great to me.
Or for Blizzard laziness: nerf damage done by tanks and increase threat, unviable in PvP yet unchanged in PvE.