People Complaining About "Having To" Upgrade the Command Table

Why complain about this? People complained that there was no reason to upgrade the table, but now that they have a reason to, they’re complaining that they have that reason to do so now.

What gives? R3 your sanctum and have a blast!


I don’t gotta do nuttin’. That’s my position and I’m sticking with it.
You are suprised that giving what was asked for caused more complaints instead of eradicating them tho?
Reminder: You are in GD

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You’re right, I forgot I’m posting on a forum where people were complaining they had to claim a free pet off the store.


Omg lol, I missed that one.


As one of those complainers, I find myself updating the command table now that I’m in the high 40’s and my dudes are getting a whoopen almost every fight at their level.

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Probably because the table just sucks no matter what?


My guess, not the same people :man_shrugging:


because the benefit was miniscule.

I hadn’t upgraded my command table, so had to scramble to upgrade it when the anima changes went in.

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speak for yourself, casual. I love the table and it is at 3 since like January.

I’m getting roughly 3k anima a day from now just from having the R2 achieve. The upgrade has been _enormous.

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My anima gains are double what they used to be before the buff. It’s really good.

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oh for sure, it’s worth it now, I totally agree

i mean pre-anima change, there wasn’t a lot of value in upgrading it, which is why I hadn’t bothered.

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That I get, but now that there’s an actual reason to upgrade it, people complain about that.

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It felt a little bad that right as I had saved up the anima to get the mushroom stuff to level 3, the changes went in and I felt stuck between going for it, or upgrading my command table and animaflow thing so that I could get the bonus anima rewards per WQ. I got burned out by running around and doing a bunch of them every day, so I pulled back to only doing the calling quests, and the idea of hampering the WQs I do complete for another few weeks didn’t sit right with me.

Honestly couldn’t tell which decision was a good one, as both felt bad to do at that point.

Yes, it did feel bad spending the anima, but once I saw I was getting 3k anima from just doing the anima WQs, looting some treasures and killing a few rares…yeah, the decision to upgrade was well, well worth it.

My guess it is the same people, as they are the ones complaining here daily, you included. I mostly lurk, but I see your 2 cents in most threads. Tbh, your 2 cents aren’t worth the pixels it took to post them. You are a troll, and a poor one at that.

I shoulda stayed where I was before switching covenants. I was close to the 2nd achievement. I could always go back and finish it off I guess.

Hope you got sense enough not to do it then.

You’ll have to do better than simple insults to catch me Nat Pagle

Just retire the mission table system.