People cant learn in beginner content because players wont let them

Decided since there is a lull in content for the time being I wanted to try and learn a new class and spec, deciding on picking up brewmaster and getting them to lvl70. I started to do heroic and normal dungeons, and I’m starting to get some of the complaints of people wanting to bring back the “You spank it, you tank it” mentality.

Had people pulling for me, telling me that I needed to go faster, even caught a few kicks because it was obvious from my gear I wouldn’t be able to keep the pace the group expected and demanded; and while thats fine and dandy…this is supposed to be beginner content, for people wanting to pick up a spec to figure things out without going into a key or raid and having no idea what they are doing.

How can people be expected to learn if the community and playerbase isn’t giving them the chance to learn because of their insanely high expectations even in beginner content? While I do disagree with the “You spank it, you tank it” mentality I do understand why people are wanting to bring it back.


This is a real problem that will be solved in TWW when the Dragonflight timeline, presumably with its follower dungeons is the default for new players and is an option for chromie time.


That’s why they added the follower dungeons. You can practice there, if you need to.

People are going to want to move quickly through dungeons. Nobody is there to take it easy and smell the roses. If that’s what you want, make a LFG group that specifically states its a learning/training group. I don’t have high hopes for it filling quickly, though.


New players or people looking to learn a new spec shouldn’t be forced into AI dungeons to learn. Normal and Heroic dungeons are just that, beginner activities where people can go and learn, and its completely stupid they are being forced into the AI solo dungeons because the playerbase wont let go of the “GOTTA GO FAST GO GO GO” mentality.


No one’s forcing them, but everyone learns at a different pace.

WoW has long since given up trying to herd its players, and this is the option you’re given. Veterans have preferences, and WoW can’t really tell them not to.


The alternative is making dungeons too difficult to rush through.

I don’t think anyone wants that, either.

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You are correct. Leveling dungeons are not seen as content “that has the right to stop me” any more. It is what it is.

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When I learn a new class, I lock my level every time I get a new ability and then unlock it when I have woven it into my playstyle.

Racing to cap is counter-productive on a new class.

  • Brim

I can respect that kind of discipline.


Years of making mistakes :slight_smile:

I did the same thing recently and got the complete opposite experience. People were patient, calm, and understanding of me learning a new class.


tbh most people will shrug at worst, be supportive at best if you just… say you’re learning

Assuming you’re not in a mid to high range M+, anyway.

Best bet would be to stick with follower dungeons and then run with a guild.

The pug pool is largely people who either don’t want to, or lack the capacity to work together and behave themselves.

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First don’t take this as an endorsement of other’s behavior, I agree with you on beginner content. However…

Likely you do. Go faster if you lose a few oh well. If it is the healer doing this, I go mongo on pulls. Threat has been fairly irrelevant for tanks since Cataclysm Firelands. But forcing the healer who wanted to pull to compensate for your gear is a fun way to respond to that behavior.

What can they say? If they say something I just respond “oh, you were pulling I thought you were bored”

That’s wrong. It might be reportable. I’d try.

I don’t. If you pull it, run it to me. I’m not taunting it. I’m not running after it. :rofl:


Raises hand…



I must be lucky, I can count the times I’ve been kicked out of any dungeon on one hand, and I have been playing since the vanilla server stress tests.

Maybe I’m just that cool.

Isn’t this what follower dungeons are for?

Otherwise, I totally understand how frustrating it is. But when in Rome.

So learning beginner content is learning how to run beginners content, and the main thing about learning beginners content is…

Stay with the tank and wait for them to stop before you start doing your rotation.

Usually if someone says they’re new and learning I just go with the flow.

If nothing is said, I still go with the flow.

Tank pulls at whatever pace they want. I’ll never pull ahead of them.


One thing that I think should be said in the context of this OP’s legitimate gripe (which, again, WoW is presumably solving with a 10-to-cap follower dungeon option) is that more people need to (but sadly won’t) consider “maybe I should just drop group instead of being a dick.” Chances are if you’re THAT efficiency obsessed, you can occupy a half hour of leveling time in questing, or switch to an alt.

I know I’m peeing into the wind here, but like… I’ve done it many times: group is a trash fire for whatever reason, I don’t want to be “that guy” in chat, so I just leave, without a word. That’s everyone’s right.

And before anyone comes at me with “LEAVER” torches: I’m talking leveling dungeons.

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