People can earn 100k gold LEGIT, not everything is RMT

Yeah none of these are how true goblins are making 100k gold regularly.

I’m not going against your title, some people do make this much without breaking TOS or relying on laundered RMT gold via GDKPs, but none of these things are what they’re actually doing lol.

Collecting money from rmt players means you aren’t part of the problem? Mmkay justify it however you want but collecting money every week from other players who clearly buy gold means they just act as a middle man to get the gold to you.

In before you say “I didn’t know they bought gold!! They paid 200k for ashbringer from hard earned farming.” :crazy_face:


A gold buyer RMT guy bought that auction you posted. You are now a part of the problem. Justify it how you want.

Lmao what kinda 1Head logic is this.

“the GDKPs to join…”…so they are just laundering the RMT gold…got it.

RMT is very rare, it doesn’t happen as much as you people try to fearmonger it.

You better not buy crafting materials or anything off the AH then.

You realize you can’t “launder” anything right?

Which is it?

Anyway, it’s pretty obvious to almost everyone here that you are only posting to troll.


I was wrong and there wasn’t as much as RMT as I thought, when faced with new information I adapt and learn. What do you do? Repeat your same ignorant mistakes? Typical Druid mains.

Are there people that can make that type of gold legitimately Yes there are But the issue is it’s not the average player You’re not going to make 170K In a decent amount of time and certainly not in a week just by doing dailies there is no way.

Now could you make 10K gold a week doing that sure But 170K no way And the problem is it’s the fact that the majority of the player base the way the economy is because it’s been broken for such a long time.

There’s so much gold circulating that Your average player is not able to catch up Especially anyone that’s starting the game now it would almost be impossible then for must be impossible then for even to step in to well anything.

Maybe heroics but even then because people are so bloody picky of what they’ll invite It’s not that people can’t make that much money legitimately it’s the fact that that’s not the majority.

And when you see so many people throwing around 150K Plus The more likely explanation is that they bought that gold especially if they’re a fresh 70.

That’s the problem

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I know multiple people who buy gold run gdkp to gear alts. Its real, question is only what % of ppl not IF



The gold is traceable. Selling super expensive things at market value significantly reduces the culpability of the seller. Run the gold though a couple cycles and the gold gained is essentially clean. As you are unlikely to be actioned on gold that was dirty 4 gdkps ago.

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Except the moment you bought gold to run into a gdkp can traced.

It either gets flagged for review or it doesn’t.

You could go spend the gold and still get suspended because the first time you got the gold from the mailbox or AH or trade for flagged.

It doesn’t matter if you no longer have the gold.

It’s a really dumb thing to say as you can’t hide anything from Blizzard of they choose to dig into where the gold came from, If you weren’t flagged the first moment you got the gold you’re already safe regardless of what you do and if you did get flagged you’re still in trouble regardless of what you bought.

You simply can’t hide gold from Blizzard.

The idea of catch up is stupid. That’s not how life works. If we play the same and I have a lead on you from the start you won’t ever catch up.

Also when talking about gold there isn’t a set amount so yeah maybe you aren’t gonna get the first piece of tier but you get a payout from the run and can put that towards the next one. Eventually you get pieces for less if you keep going to gdkps.

Your right though it is nearly impossible to do anything as a fresh character but that’s the nature of the beast. You either keep up with the pack or are sadly left behind and continue to fall further behind unfortunately because less people want under geared players and less people are running old content. But you know what is a good way to get into current content as a fresh 70? A gdkp helps because your able to show your gold rather then your purples to get into the raid.

You’re messing the point The issue is just getting to level 70 is a pain the butt and even get to that minimum item level to join a gdkp is almost impossible for your average player.

So what you’re saying is it’s completely OK for the game to be pay to win right If That’s the case why isn’t the wow token in the game?

And the way the game is set up right now literally what you’re telling people is this well sorry you can’t play Unless you buy gold Or No life it So if you’re a casual player or have a life nope not your game any more.

And that’s a good thing to scare away anybody else to potentially may or may not join the game or somebody coming back explained to me how that’s good for the game ?

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The argument has never been they cant trace the gold… seems I have to break it down.

Dirty gold makes it into player x’s character. Player x joins a gdkp. Player x’s illict gold gets spent legitimately on big ticket items. The organizer now has the gold. The raid ends gold is distributed to the carries. The gdkp itself is perfectly legitimate gameplay.

There is no means for any player to test the legitimacy of any other players gold. There is no reasonable due diligence on the part of a legitimate seller of a good or service that blizzard can expect beyond reasonable market value prices. For example if someone sells a single linen for 10k. That guise doesnt pass the smell test and blizzard can reasonably say the seller knows its dirty gold.

Dont get me wrong Blizzard can do whatever they want. They can trace the gold for its entire journey. But they barely action blatant RMT. They are not going in and pulling gold from a player 8 gdkp cycles down line of an RMT. Thats ludicrous. Which means that gold is now clean.

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Even in Classic, I had easily 100K farmed via AH farming. All it takes is a little brains to know when to buy low and sell high.

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Yes in any GDKP setting there is botted gold floating around. The gold is floating around the economy regardless of GDKP or not. GDKP has evolved into something quite beautiful in my opinion. In fact I have stop trying to raid in the traditional sense( with a guild ) and much prefer the GDKP system. Its not perfect sure, yes RMT whales who know no limits do kind of ruin it here and there, but its pretty sparingly in my experience. I run and host somewhere between 5-10 raids a week and attend another 5-10 raids. The ones I host I take 10%, which allows me to gear up my army of toons as I see fit. Some days I am cheep other days I buy a lot. At the end of the day you cant really control the way other people play the game. I my self have chosen to play GDKP with out swiping. This lets me experience the game with a decent Effort : Reward ratio and keeps me happy. When I attend I get 3.6% of the rewards of the raid and when I raid lead I get 10.6% or 8.6% depending on if I am hosting with someone else, and If I give the tanks a 1% cut. Also Sunwell is in no way pay to win. Infact a lot of the 6/6 GDKPS I am a part of have quite small pots at the end. The very skilled players who are able to pug Sunwell and clear tend to be on the smarter end of the spectrum. Those players also typically in my experience tend to be no RMT purists because they understand if you buy the end result of the effort and skip over the hard work, the reward just isn’t the same. The cheaters really only cheat themselves out of the journey which is the whole point in the end. I have seen so many big swipers lose interest in wow so fast, and just quit. The veteran raiders stick around because most of them get it. The gold evens out in the end. Also nothing is forcing you to participate in them. There is a reason most of the SR/Wishlist raids are full of bad players wanting the best loot. I will agree there is a lot of RMT in GDKP, but there is going to be RMT weather or not GDKP is a thing. Most people that I play with and have played with over the past few years avoid RMT because they’ve put so much effort into the game they wont risk it for a quick and easy piece of gear. Its not worth it. In a perfect WoW with no RMT GDKP would be the best imo. Even with RMT occurring it still is a great community of players who put in a lot of effort and work hard for the gold they spend and get together to kill bosses which is my favorite part of the game. Yes there are S*** GDKPs and scammers, and I’m really sorry for those of you who had a first GDKP experience that was poor and caused you to write it off. There are S*** people out there, a lot of them, be sure to hang on to the good people you come across in this game, that’s the real magic in WoW. ok ok I digress .

~cheers Solo

How has it been proven? Super interested in you’re response back.

I know of at least three people on my battlenet friends list who buy gold. How do I know this? Because they’re always joining gdkps buying 30-40k items yet never actually play the game they literally raid log and I don’t see them on for days. Obvious buying is obvious. Half the time I get whispers from people saying theyre geared when I host raids, so I do a quick log check and yep ilvl 140+ yet all grey and green parses and then look at the guild they ran with which is usually some gdkp. Naw sorry dawg you don’t even know how to play your class because you just bought all your gear.