People can earn 100k gold LEGIT, not everything is RMT

Not necessarily a fact. You assumed that you could market and sell it, yet have not shown that you could.

While it may be possible, it may not in fact work.

where do you think a chunk of that gold originally came from?? :thinking:


This is accurate, a lot of people use professions and run SWP groups for recipes to sell high ticket items.

Most people i’d even say close to 90% this far into TBC already have their profs maxed and prepped for Wrath, playing the AH and economy is how a lot of people make income.

Lot of sources to make gold in the game, most of time people just farm on main and use alt to buy pieces to PvP with :man_shrugging:


Well let’s do the math. Let’s assume 500g an hour which is a really good farm rate. So that means to farm 170k you would need to farm 340 hours. Now say most you are playing 5 hours a day (also on the high side) that means you would need to play 68 days at 5 hours a day to farm that much gold. That time does not include raiding, person life, market drops, farm competition, posting auctions, anything else just farming.

Then you also have to assume people work 40hrs a week so some days they aren’t even going to be on for the 5 hours.

Now sure there are probably a handful of people who do this. But if you think everyone who has gold on wow is this dedicated to farming you are absolutely dreaming.


No one is solely doing one activity for 340 hours, this isn’t a KMMO.

People have professions and can play the economy, SWP trash runs get you the new recipes and they sell for a ton over here and GDKPs are pretty cheap now that TBC is almost over so people are leveling up alts for WoTLK and gearing them out with the gold they farm on their mains.

Sure you can solo grind for a couple hours, that’s realistic but most people have other activities to make gold also.

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Good Guy Geewizle, wholesome af.

People should read your post, it’s a great way to earn income too.

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sure, people do… but when someone joins that first gdkp and drops thousands, how you think they came about it? claiming you joined gdkps to build your wealth isn’t exactly as clean and legit as you’re making it sound- you’re merely turning a blind eye to the actual fact it’s supplied by gold buyers. the gold splits are just way to disperse it legally.


I dont think anyone here thinks that EVERYONE buys their gold; however, when people are comfortable talking about buying their gold in public chats, guilds, and pugs…its obvious it is rampant.


Tbh some people even irl can’t figure out how to balance money or earn multiple ways of income without wage slaving it up.

Maybe that’s why some can’t comprehend that people can earn a sizable income without having to cheat or take shortcuts.

Lmao this is some top level conspiracy dude, it’s like seeing someone explain to me how the moon landing wasn’t real and he has all these crazy ideas for how things play out when in reality it’s really simple.

Most of those people who are fresh are alts, that’s how they have gold their mains earned it via farming them up.

Most people don’t RMT and unless you have proof they do then you don’t have much ground to stand on.

That’s just the circle you surround yourself with, report them and move on :man_shrugging:


GDKPs are a money laundering operation for purchased gold.



God the Classic forums are full of conspiracy theory nuts.


better ground than what you’re on if you think no significant amount of gold was ever bought to gear up/boost characters.

I’m not saying there isn’t RMT, there is at maybe like 1 - 2% but most people overwhelmingly are legit players. We run GDKPs and we check with every buyer if they RMT or not and none of them do, we only take legit folks.

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we run them too. i never said every player that runs them has bought… i’m just saying to think this emmense amount of gold people have nowadays has nothing to do with gold buyers/farmers is just ignorant.

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I really don’t think it has anything to do with gold buyers/farmers, I think most of it is legit. A lot of folks know how to farm gold well, and my server economy is booming. We have Khorium Bands going for 15 - 20k, our SWP recipe loot is still selling super high and GDKPs are still going for great amounts.

All of that is not solely on bots, to think that bots can do ALL of that is actually delusional and borderline insane because I bet bots don’t even make up 5 - 6% of the total population in Classic.

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if gold farming/botting/selling wasn’t profitable, you think they would have as many as they do in the first place??

I’m sure it’s profitable unlike Retail since they only pay a sub fee for new bot accounts, but let’s be realistic at the prices things go for I doubt your average player is willing to drop that much in gold seller rates.

It’s really simple to farm gold and only noobs fall into the trap of RMT.

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I’m starting to miss Lemonfont.


you don’t need the average player to buy… just a few shmucks can finance a guild for a while.