People botting/gold sellers

Pretty much on faerlina and all I see during degen hours are bots that are unresponsive using click to move animation turns. Also people who dont even have gear on naked… with lvl 30 greens on with an epic flyer who also are either botting or like korean gold farmers.

Blizzard I know u never have time but if u can monitor stuff like that and crack down? make the community better for people who actually play. if you still care.

If you find a player who may be botting, you can use the right-click report feature in-game.

If you cannot right-click on the player’s character or name, you can also report via email to the Hacks team at


Thank you for wanting to help clean up the game. For bots you don’t have to try and report every single one. Just reporting a few helps Blizzard figure out how they are exploiting the system.
The right-click report method is the best way to report it. The report that is generated includes the needed log files to aid Blizzard’s investigation.


Yes I know. I always report them. It’s the ones that are hiding under the radar by getting away with playing extremely late hours. I had a conversation with some guy from paraguay and I assumed he was working for a third party gold selling site, he denies it. but then I started be friending him in hopes he reveals and he did. I asked where can i buy some gold I was looking (which I was just lying) and he played his hand and said “here buy from this site here, I farm for them…” Would just like if blizzard actually monitored this more.

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Except they aren’t hiding under the radar. The “operation” runs 24/7. If they are botting, when they play doesn’t matter. If Blizzard breaks a bot and does a ban-wave, the time of day they are operating doesn’t matter. The ban-wave looks at the logs. It does not rely on visual confirmation.

I hope you reported this when it was said.

They do monitor it. We’ve been told that they catch a bunch of botting before players even see it.

Banning bots in a whack-a-mole method actually doesn’t work. If Blizzard bans one, the botters just modify their program a little and open another. It only has a minor effect. If Blizzard bans thousands at once, the botters take longer upgrading their software and it is more costly to recreate the thousands of accounts. There is no way to eliminate botting entirely.


They do monitor a lot, They depend on people to report them. Also understand when they knock out a bot or two they have a lot more accounts to replace the ones they just lost. So they might also leave them alone for a while to figure out how to break the bot and watch all the interactions to track everything. They do not always instantly ban.

This is wack a mole, get one and there are 100 more waiting. Never ending battle.