People be like "I use my mog mount

to troll people and run away when they are middle of a mog change."

Not me bro.

I use it to troll them when they need a mog change. I see that drip looking ugly and I get on my yak like “Hey bro. I can help you with that.”

They bounce off like “Nah I’m good.”

I bounce closer. “But, like…really though.”


Eughhh… brother eughh…

/point @player
/point @Mystic Birdhat


Thank you. I am so glad I’m not alone.

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Goku after visiting OP’s mog mount

Lookin smoooooov


He looks like he smells like the deodorant aisle after a pack of teenagers just went through it.

I dig it.

Same trouble, the only ones I can trust is anyone not max level. :robot::thought_balloon:

I think what irks me more than bad mogs, is nonexistent mogs. The people who just equip gear and run with however it looks. No hiding the helm, the cloak, nothing.

Out yourselves. You are sociopaths.


You gotta go after the people who clearly spent time making themself look that way on purpose too

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I like to pull up next to the mailbox on my brutosaur and kick off the vendors, then go afk.

I actually had someone do this to me once… I used their yak. lol

I have my own yak now, so I don’t need to worry about it.

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I legit did this moments before making this post.

Saw a Z troll bro in the love witch stuff. Couldn’t help myself.


Fun fact you can initiate a trade with someone using mystic slowhands and it’ll close their mog menu.


This is 100% me.

I’m also old and got nothin’ to prove to you, ya whippersnapper! Now get off my lawn! Don’t make me get my black socks and sandals on and hobble after you!


I only ever pull out the mog mount to swap my own, not trying to be a troll or rude but most the time I don’t even know if someone’s also using the transmog guy before I dismount. I mean now there’s two of these mounts…one from the guys in pandaria where I bought mine and that store mount people keep claiming is ‘nicer’ but hey each their own. I like huge mounts but I don’t use them to be rude to others… well not intentionally anyways…accidents tend to happen due to lag spikes after all.

Back when Heirloom gear was actually used and id see folks wearing that mismatched stuff at level 30+. My eye would twitch.
You can afford a T-mog by now cant you?

I will usually pause if i see someone run up and target mr Birdhat.

They be rocking that world quest gear with no shame. I honestly respect it.

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If they’re plate and they don’t have a big BC collection you probably can’t help them, though.

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Moving forward is out of habit then realizing you are on the wrong mount so you stop, click your flying mount then take off.

Is this the famed “zoomer humor” i heard so much about?

lol this reminded me I need to log in and change my mog. I actually look like I got it from the toilet store.

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