People are still Multiboxing

Lol at all these multiboxers continuing to use ISBoxer and other input broadcasting software to control all characters at once and then “claiming” to be using hardware solutions. Get real!


whats your point?

The title is misleading.

Why not? I have 8 machines that could run WoW and could easily set up a single mouse and keyboard that controls all simultaneously. I would never pay for 5 accounts just to multi-box (although I pay for three now for myself my son and my oldest daughter), but it seems quite easy.

That nothing about the recent change in policy prevents multi boxxing.


My question was not meant to question the possibility of having the machines. It’s a matter of it being a silly way to do it. :yum:

Well it also doesn’t really address VM’s so not necessarily even having the machines.

I know you’re trolling but you’ve unwittingly hit upon the reason this new policy is frustrating. It’s hard to believe a regular player really would shell out the money needed to have a dedicated PC for each of their characters. Some would but I suspect most would not especially with many people suffering curtailed income because of Covid shutdowns.

But, guess who would be willing to get the extra PC’s. The botters and gold sellers who were supposedly the targets of this new policy. So, the regular players got screwed while the cheaters go on their merry way.

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Are you seriously suggesting that it is “regular players” who are keycloning multiboxed toons?

It is monumentally ironic that multiboxers used to claim that there were not that many doing it, while now when blizzard takes away their toy they pretend that “regular players” are being harmed.

Regular players do not look fondly on botting OR multiboxing.


I’m a regular player. I could not care less about multiboxing. Botting is something completely different and should be banned/enforced more harshly.

You only speak for yourself on the forum’s. Don’t include other people in you general opinions

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You’re not regular. You are a gnome.

Do you feel “regular players” are being harmed by this change?


Unfortunately they were never the target.

If so, Blizzard could simply do this:

No, definately not. Anyone who wants to multibox is still able to do so. There are other options for multiboxing that they can use.

For the record, I never had an issue with the MBers who were alt-tabbing. It crossed the line when keycloning became a thing, and even moreso when the volume of MBers exploded due to the token system allowing an easy/cheap way to MB. If classic had been a separate sub from retail, and tokens could not be used for classic sub, I wagers a lot less MBing would be happening.

Destroying another player’s character with the force of 5 or more characters with the press of a single key should NEVER have become acceptable by blizzard. Nor should vacuuming up vasts amounts of gold by steamrolling content with keycloned multiboxing. Keycloning period should never have been allowed, be it software or hardware keycloning.