People Are So Toxic in This Game

Mythic+, what about all those players who leave keys just because for the heck of it. I would consider that toxic behavior.

It’s much easier to pug keys as dps to ksm than as a tank. If you ever played as tank, you would know that they are one of the roles that experience the most bs from players.

They are pleasant and polite if you are “good” at the game, but if you are a learning player than you are basically shunned from the group and humiliated for it.


I have a right to be toxic! :angry:

Rogues are toxic. Look at all that poison.

Gnomes taste good with toxins.


oh i know it. I once told my guildies that I have a husband and was got remaks I won’t dare say. I also asked for a lgbt+ guild in trade and got flamed with more rude remarks. It’s horrible. Blizzard needs to crack down on this.

All that happened in the week you have played? I mean you told us that a week ago, that you were so new!

I don’t get it, I rarely see any of this. Maybe you need a better circle, or maybe bait them less if your forum posting style is anything like how you play in the game, I bet your guildmates would be offended to be called “phobic” any time they disagree.

Wouldn’t it be easier to just join guilds for fun instead of focusing on gender?

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Based on your profile, you have no completed any of the raids, except 7/10 LFR Nathria :rofl:. No mythic +. 216 item level?? not even max renown?? What are YOU doing?

seems to me you don’t play the game enough to see these issues. I know many people who do and I see the proof.

Cool, tell me more about me T. I am so excited! Want to come at me over not taking my meds like last time? Call me a phobe?

Or do you want to internalize a bit, realize that you are getting this hate because of your attitude. You want to throw stones at everyone else, and not take any flack for it.

It always works that way with the perpetually offended.

Noticed you skipped the week ago part T, more cracks showing… maybe make notes on what you put out there on each toon? My Nana used to say if you want to be a good liar you better have a darn good memory…


More at 11.

You’re posting on a lvl 10 belf hunter sooo I don’t think you have any right to say whether someone else is doing end game content. :rofl: :rofl:

It’s their last ploy, they can’t bait me into breaking TOS, it’s a common thread. When they want to avoid, they deflect.

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Oh my, that is so horrible. I’m sorry you had to go through that, I wish everyone is kind and not hateful. Everyone deserves respect. :smiley:

No hard feelings, I am just giving you cold hard facts.

my tank is Xarbin u can armory i cant link IO but i have exclusively pugged as a tank

I have yet to encounter this as a rule in my 16 years playing this game. I’ve found people who can get upset especially if its a high key and a lot of easy mistakes are repeated but were all people the outrageous examples that get flaunted around in this community are usually the result of two egotistical individuals playing toxic chicken.

EDIT: I am coronavirus

Want another fun hard fact? I can look at yours too. Want to know what I see? 6/8 bait posts you created since you joined less than 2 weeks ago. I can also see your post that says this:

I am sure you know that people have multiple accounts, as we’ve all seen you use them over and over. But please, do carry on telling me how much I don’t play on this character, I love it.

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i don’t want to hear your conspiracy theories. I can see your profile in clear view and it tells me all I need to know. You don’t play the game enough to see the hateful language.

Says the perpetual level 10?

You’re new but your first post was that one? Come on now, you keep slipping kiddo.

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was this recent? what exactly did you say that made people want to attack you?