People are NOT playing the game World of Warcraft

Honestly, we can’t do much on that but playing the game is still there (even if I do give honor catching a fish) someone is having fun.

Are you so self absorbed you can’t grasp that people who aren’t you find things like that fun, or are you trolling?

I’m gonna go with trolling because no one is that dim.


I play with PuGs all the time. Somehow, I love the chaotic scenarios. Logs are not applicable to me. Tunnel Visioning to pad my DPS numbers is something I cant do with PuGs as following the mechanics is more important to me. I would rather push my buttons for interrupt, knockbacks, snare, tranq shot to save my PuG party than sharpening my epeen DPS.

But when I am with a decent guild, expect me to tunnel vision too. I would even invite you to see my logs to show you how I abuse padding the damage meters.

I would have fun either way.

Daddy’s credit card or not, you are paying to not play the game and as much good as that brings, like how you are now an extra person I can see running around, the people who boost you, that’s 4 extra players I may see. Times that by how many boosters there are and how many people are buying boosts and that’s a lot of players who are here and make the game feel larger than it is.

But it’s not anything in the long run. What if you decide to stop buying? What if Blizzard decide to remove gold and completely stop boosters? That’s a lot of players that are now just gone and almost certainly enough that the game won’t survive, which is why they have never done it and only tried to stop the boosting communities due to RMT and all that.

As much as you like the loot, I can never understand why people like you pay someone to play the game for you, it just feels so wrong to not earn the rewards from the effort you put in. How can anyone think it’s fine to pay real life money for something they are not even using? Surely there are other games you actually play that you truly enjoy enough to do it all yourself?

Look, you are missing the point and I am not going to debate it with you. Just because you don’t get it doesn’t impact me in any way.

You understand that there are literally tens of thousands of runs per month of all types? Raids, PVP, M+, Glory, Mounts etc. I know one advertiser, that I have used for over a year, that sells over 200 M+ runs a week. That’s just ONE GUY. It is how the game has evolved for many, like it or not.

What happens in Goldshire Inn stays in Goldshire Inn

We need to delete the achievement and mount collecting meters. It’s causing people to play wow in non competitive ways.

If everyone had your thought process on basically just being content with world gear and never striving to become better at a game they enjoy, this game would have died many, MANY years ago.

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Yeah, all the try hard are missing it. In game for hours, never really playing it.

No it ends up on Portrait Book.

I love how people are so worried about how others play the game that they feel the need to make a thread and cry about it.

Willing to be bet the OP didn’t get picked for m+ so now they are throwing a fit.

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I feel ya. I miss the old days when it was fun. World of Warcraft is targeted at an entirely different player base now. A more competitive one focused on extrinsic motivation instead of intrinsic motivation like it used to be. I don’t think it could ever go back to that now. RIP :cry:

This has been a thing since Vanilla.


So because you don’t like parsing, damage meters, numbers and min max… others can’t enjoy it?


I feel dirty just reading this. I also despise mythic+, I also despise a system that profits from degenerate gameplay. I have not ever will pay to be carried.

I find analyzing the game and coming up with ways to maximize my own performance to be fun. In fact I would say that finding the most efficient way to play your class and mastering the timing of your abilities in the middle of fast-paced mechanics-heavy combat is the largest source of challenge that players are supposed to overcome in the game.

sounds like it.

what I hope for is ion does bring back master loot. it will spice this up as retail rants here get old.

I want retail to get gdkp so we can have really fun threads like we do in tbcc threads.

You see gdkp is not a carry. all are skilled and supposed to be there. they pay to enter is all. the pot starter. all loot to pile. bid on it. and thus the pot grows.

some don’t have this view. and thus…we get fun debate flame threads. it was nice to see at least a new flame starting topic for me. Retail needs this too.

Op - fun is subjective.

Play the game how you want. It’s your sub. Don’t force others to play your way unless you’re going to pay their subscriptions too.

This has literally always been how the game was played