People are NOT playing the game World of Warcraft

I love how people these days are all just about parsing , damage meters, numbers, min max, and doing degenerate activities and not actually playing the game and having fun.

Also, how are these behaviors beneficial for the game at large it only creates more problems and more elitist behavior and among other negative things? So, do please try to explain how are these things beneficial for the game?


Maybe that is fun for them. Do you get to tell people what they should like? I mean cmon now.


Casuals are apparently allowed to tell people how to have fun according to these forums. No ones allowed to disagree cuz thats just toxic elitism.


If that is your main you are not playing either


I have fun min maxing and pushing harder content in keys

Am i doing it wrong?

I guess i could go to moonguard goldshire


I do, Heck I’m back in Wrath doing the Argent Tourn. for giggles, becuae I didn’t get to enjoy all those little things when I was raiding. Peoples fun is subjective what isn’t fun to you? might be exciting for others.


Maybe having fun for some is playing their toon to the best it can play.
Who are you tell anyone how to play and what they need to do to have fun.


If they’re not “playing the game World of Warcraft” by your definition…

Then find people are “playing the game World of Warcraft” by your definition and play with them.

This post is the other side of that teamliquid fart declaring that raids should be made harder to weed out the “weak.”


And that is fine, but, and I know not everyone is like this, but the same people you say might find that fun, have no problem saying something like housing isn’t fun because it serves no purpose for them therefore should never be implemented.

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I am sorry, could I get the memo where Blizzard said Chases is the sole arbiter of what is playing the game?

Please and Thank you.


Some people have what I like to call… “I’m the only pebble on the beach syndrome”…lol


Clearly the only solution is to delete LFR.

I am always amazed by people who think that way. I can not fathom thinking I was the be all end all.

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Wait so how do they get meter readings parses, know their min maxing works… without playing the game?

Why is it degenerate?

How do you know what counts as having fun?

I think pet battles are the most unfun activity in game. I’d rather herb for 2 hours than do even 2 pet battles.

But hey, people find that fun, so be it.

Go ahead and go down the route of yada yada M+ and raid ruin it for everyone yada yada – nothing we haven’t heard before.

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That’s been that way forever… but I heard that these people like that so, they are playing the game per se.

No. You can only have fun the OP says it is okay to have fun. Any other game play style is 100% invalid.


There’s always been the number crunchers in WoW, even back to the days of Classic. Mages and rogues were always especially bad about pulling threat off tanks and getting themselves plastered trying to pump up the DPS meters.

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Parsing is fun.
It’s actually something I recently realized I loved to do, and forgot all about it.

My mental changed from raiding to M+ in BFA, but I actually miss gearing up for raid parses.

What do you consider “playing the game” OP?