People are chronically leaving keys S4

it seems like this week after a single wipe or inconvinced people just leave and brick keys that could be easily timed or at least completed ruining the persons key. ive had it happen in more keys than keys I’ve completed excluding flawless runs. its become a real problem and its killing my drive to play already and i wish there was a lfg deserter thing for leaving a key id love to see a vote system where if 3/5 people have to vote to end the key otherwise you cant use the lfg dungeon tool for 2 hours


its been a trend for a while
had a relatively good run that ended in a wipe and key holder leaving even though it was still timeable (worth noting he could have helped prevent the wipe). those frustrate me the most. perfectly timeable runs ruined by people leaving prematurely out of tilt or pettiness.

it sucks but i think its just m+ pug culture at this point. people hate failing and take it far too personally

Just finished 2 keys that both had wipes in them but we just came back and killed the boss the second time.

Anecdote be anecdotal.


One thing I’ve learned is to add a little note to the description of your key posting.

“Put your favorite fruit in the note so I know you can read and understand directions”

If someone signs-up with their fruit in the note, and they are at least semi-qualified to do the dungeon, then I invite them.

I have never been disappointed by someone who put their fruit in the note, if anything I’ve met some incredibly cool and funny people through this system.


i haven’t seen any leavers yet this season :man_shrugging:

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I started the M+ season last Tuesday really excited. My goal was to do 4 that evening. On the very first Ruby the tank pulled the entire right side hallway back to the first room. Result = wipe. Player asked why did you do that. Tank response, “testing the limit”. Um, ok I guess. Wipe again during the first boss. A player starts name-calling and complaining at the other 4.

I left not because of the wipes. But because of the tank’s inconsiderate behavior and the other player being toxic, name calling and complaining.

A wise person would understand that in the first week while everyone is essentially (gearing up) it might be best to not expect a steamrolling run and not be upset when things don’t work out like they would in a normal dungeon.

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I’ve only had one person leave a key so far.

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I just ran a few keys this patch and decided to stop till next xpac running all the df dungeons a second time is just boring they REALLY should have picked different dungeons for this patch because I got bored with the df dungeons so quickly.

I have not seen any increase in this despite the difficulty changes. Only 2/10 runs have failed for me which is about the same as last Season.

Both were Uldaman though. The first, the group decided to give up because they didn’t have the dps to deal with the trog boss. The second I actually left because it had already had 48 deaths due to barely being able to kill the bosses, was FAR FAR beyond timer and I just could not stay any longer without catching real life aggro. Neither of these is something I would consider unreasonable.

(The fun factor is a different and separate arguement though.)


I left a key last week. Here’s how it went, mind you, I’m healing.

Pulls everything before first boss.
Tanks first boss in the center of the room.
People die to a lack of space to do mechanics.
Killed it second time with same silly positioning.
Finish outside ring.
Tank dies to boulder on second, he’s trying to use a triangle positioning instead of using the ring.
Second pull, tank tries again to do triangle positioning, lose 2 players to the same boulder.
Third pull, no adjustments, lose player to add spawn.

I’m out. Every single idea would lock me into this nightmare forever.


True! I do this when forming our open guild raids and need to lfg for pugs : “note your feelings on pineapple pizza for consideration”

Usually funny responses end up in positive/literate players!


Bruh, it’s gettin so bad, i’ve dropped keys altogether this season. Every key i’ve done has had someone leave either first or 2nd pull, that are still easily timable.
No deaths, just a pick up and leave.

Like, imagine being so insecure you attempt to brick a 2 lmao

I’ve seen just 1 unjustified bail so far out of dozens of runs. I think a 30 min group finder time-out wouldn’t be too much to ask for…

DPS are pure dog water this season, people are leaving because they look at the meter and see someone doing 50k single target.


I think this is my new favorite phrase.


I normally do the majority of early season keys in guild, but so far this season it’s been mostly pugging… and it’s horrifying how bad some players are. Id say about half the pug keys I’ve done have had someone just leave. It feels like the key level squish brought out more players with little to no knowledge of mechanics doing key levels this season they expect to just hold w in.

Pugging is an exceptionally poor experience atm.

i’m a tank who tried to run my own key earlier…had a demon hunter leave when the healer died on the first trash pull but it was b/c he lagged. (we know this healer). None of the rest of us died and I b-rezzed him.

Anyway that was it for me. No more demon hunters in my keys. I"m sick of to death of how douchey they always seem to be.

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Yesterday was my worst key of the season so far, a 47 death +9 AV, yet everyone stuck it out for the vault.

We wiped on the last boss 7-8 times. Getting hit by orb spawn, not killing crystals in time, Incorp not getting CC’d during crystal phase. Was bad.

mad respect that you and your group stuck it out.

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yeesh. no wonder people hate pugging. i still haven’t had any leavers yet this season but i probably am not running as many keys as other people.