People are already ABUSING instances

Correct me if I am wrong… But I think ive seen some streamers already abusing dungeon RESET mechanics, being able to spam dungeons over and over without killing a boss. This makes non-boss mobs farmable over and over.

You only get locked out of an instance if you kill the last boss (or a single boss, i am not sure), so people are spamming SM GY without killing the last boss or a boss.

Fix this blizzard, otherwise people will just level this way, if its in the game. Another classic wow release instance leveling model is REEEEEEEEEEEEE. Have the instance made right when you zone in Pre-lvl 60.


You’re wrong.

For one thing people are always going to go for bis loot and with the PTR being capped at 30, that loot comes from the Rare Spawns in SM:GY.

More importantly, Blizzard has already stated that they intend to attach dungeon xp to bosses.


what are you even talking about? we are purely talking about lockouts here.


You’re worried about people avoiding the lockout by not killing bosses and only farming the trash but that won’t be possible because mobs in dungeons won’t be worth any xp and all the xp you normally would get is attached to the boss kills.

People are spamming SM:GY right now partly because what I said above hasn’t been patched in yet.


Sorry, not sure I understand, how are mobs not worth xp? did they change how xp works in dungeons while in hardcore?

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As the person stated they already indicated the intention to remove XP from mobs and move it to bosses to prevent exactly what you are complaining about.

  • Dungeons in WoW Classic Hardcore are a work in progress.
    • Dungeons currently save players after a boss is killed. As a result, we’ve moved all XP in dungeons to bosses only.
    • The amount of XP granted by bosses is not final.
    • This is not yet fully implemented and should be in place in a future PTR build.

awesome thanks for the reply, making this void.


Why fix this? If people can’t boost their toons( which i don’t do or care for) then at least let them do what they can as a group to get as much xp as possible to get their toons to end game content. I mean, blizz is constantly doing the jj buff, so why would they do something new to stop xp grinding? What an lame and ignorant complaint

Irony at its finest. Boosting goes against the spirit of HC. What is the point of HC if blizzard just provides a risk free path to 60? If you want to get boosted go play on one of the era realms flooded with boosters.


It’s almost like this is a PTR some kind a testing sever to TEST ON


only blizz would think attaching xp to the bosses would be a fix lol


Blizz already has a risk free path to 70. So i don’t quite get what point you’re trying to make. Only risk in classic is bring undergeard toons on new content… also. Go read my previous comment. I have never boosted, haven’t even paid for a bossted toon. Read before you type

thats ironic, its almost like you didnt even read this thread progression before you typed and opened your big mouth. look at the message before your first message above.

Unlike regular classic era/wotlk/retail, end game is not the goal of hardcore realms. Raiding is a fun continuation if you’re skilled enough, but the majority of HC enjoyers are primarily interested in the challenge of levelling to 60. Taking away all the risk, or speeding up the process, defeats the entire point of a hardcore realm.

Elaborate your position as to why tying dungeon xp to bosses doesn’t provide a fix, otherwise you’re just blowing hot air.

fixes xp abuse sure, not item farming, everyone knows best drop rates for greens/blues are dungeon elites.

Anecdotally (ie. I can’t speak for anyone else), I never had any problems gearing out my characters in bags, greens, and a handful of dungeon blues on each new run-through on BSB. Will it be easier to do so by repeating a dungeon? Sure. Is it so meaningfully impactful that it lessens the play-through experience of people running a dungeon once per life? I don’t think so.

This is most helpful to gamer dads who only have 1-2 hours a night (or only a few a week!) to play the game. Everyone else will undoubtedly out-level a dungeon soon after their first run-through of a dungeon any way, with the exception of places like Mara, SM, and BRD. Multiple dungeon run-throughs means you will be able to play those bigger, larger level scale dungeons as intended (eg. for Mara: 1 run of orange, 1 run of purple, 1 run of princess).


I like the way you deal with “these people.” It’s like you need to spoon feed. If you talk to them like an adult with normal intellectual faculty, they get more and more angry. Perhaps I’ll try your approach in the future.

I suppose so. For me, every time i leveled a toon, i would do quest grind only until 10 lvl before endgame. Gear means nothing until endgame, so if folks want to reach endgame, let them expose high xp gain from dungeon mobs. Its either that or some people will get tired of the solo grind and quit prior to endgame.and for hc players, they know that pvp and bg’s isthe best way to gear prior to endgame, because like i said, gear reallydont matter that much before max lvl raids

Blizzard sees it differently.
“ One of the most important aspects of the WoW Classic Hardcore realms is engaging in adventures in the outside world with other players. Creating random and serendipitous interactions is a core aspect of the original release of World of Warcraft, and spending most of your leveling time in dungeons is counter in spirit to what Hardcore is about. We do recognize that there may be a desire to run a dungeon while leveling multiple times, such as to finish a quest or get an important piece of loot. As a result, we’ve added a 24-hour timer to almost all dungeons for players until they hit level 60.”
From their “Rules of engagement” post.
It’s a different mode that’s not particularly focused on endgame, or the rush to get there.
It’s not for everyone’s taste, but I could say the same for the other current modes.