People already falsely reporting me for language while I advertise my own services

thanks. Atleast I can link this to blizz and get you banned for falsely reporting

Considering how often it happens I doubt it. You’d think it would be pretty easy too. If your reported for language, and a gm finds you didn’t swear at all (which is absolutely stupid since the game has a swear filter built in btw) then the people who reported you should face punishment. If anyone wants to try and make the argument that the report wasn’t made in an attempt to abuse the system they’re delusional at that point.

I’ve been forum suspended for a “real life threat” when I posted a screenshot of a damage number (I’m dead serious). The suspension lasted 3 days, and it took 3 days for my appeal to go through. Did anything happen to the people who false reported me? No way to know, but I highly doubt it.

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that game is still around?

The spam takes over trade chat it’s booster chat……

That’s just an assumption, none plays to just pay others and be satisfied. I wanna specify i hate how boosts are right now, that they are normalised like the way you are talking about “ah if they cant boost they will just quit”, maybe better if they do but so the issues with raiding and economy are clear as day in order for them to adjust/fix the situation.

Back in the day you would see people boosting and none would care cuz it’s such a small portion who cares, and it was really discussed between them not Advertising in chats and group finders.
This whole mentality is the problem rn, it’s advertised like its a viable way to play the game, when its not you just skip content, flood the chat with ads that most of the people don’t care about and makes the experience a misery to see on chat and group finders, What a new player / returning watching the group finder for SOD normal/heroic would think ?

So you think this change is going to change people’s mentality on boosting?

I imagine they’d hate the trade chat spam as much as I do. But thats still going to happen. Now it will be guilds instead of communities. And hopefully if you false report them to get their accounts actioned, your accounts are actioned for false reports.

I think the better solution would have been to make a boosting channel. But typical Blizzard, they have a leaky faucet and demolish the house to fix it.

Living with your parents isn’t a job.

in all fairness, many people would consider guilds to be organizations. it also seems written specifically to excuse continued boosting by certain blizzard employee.

People gave up on pushing against boosters because they saw blizzard do nothing about it and the bots, other part of the community accepted it as necessary evil on order to be able to be able to have more options (World Race raiders), and others eventually because it was easier to make gold that way instead of farming materials, but that was before the situation we are now and we are going forward.

Activision was always pushing in order to milk the customers before they even added everything in WoW. But now that Microsoft deal is moving forward it appears that devs may have certain freedoms that before maybe didn’t have, such as this.

I already saw 2 huge changes today, and things are really starting to look hopeful again. And the change was not with push from the community, they just asked for it (cross faction) but was not pushing for it.

I believe right now a lot of stuff can change in the game because of certain reasons. Let’s hope they do more changes, because its needed for the game to not just go back to how good it was, but possibly reach new heights.

Ppl have the pitchforks out today looking for blood.

Give a little while it will calm down.

i drive a BMW. your argument is invalid.


Blizzard needs to go back to how reporting was originally done. Filling out a report form. If someone isn’t willing to fill out a form in order to file a report, the offense they are trying to report must not be worth a punishment.

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Not exactly this. Some people just don’t understand how things work and think advertising and/or boosting itself is a bannable offense when it’s not. Even when proven they’re wrong with links to blue posts stating the opposite of what they think, they go on a rant about “I’m going to report every advertiser I see anyway”.

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And if false reports were punishable they’d have been punished by now and wouldn’t say such things. Blizzard needs to start punishing false reporters. Its insane that Blizzard has given the community a tool in which to indiscriminately punish anyone they want, for any reason they want.

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Oh no, I fully agree with that

I think it would be helpful if there was another option for blocking people’s spammy crap, i find myself right clicking and reporting people for spam just as a temporary ignore because they’re jostling to cover each other’s macro in trade. Perhaps we should have a temp ignore option so i can block the advertising without reporting them?

There are too many people advertising to use the actual ignore option because you’d quickly run out of room, maybe something like that addon that blocks messages that you have already seen in the last 5 minutes or whatever?

I’d be fine with a temporary ignore system to be added. They already have one here on the forums where you can choose to ignore someone for an hour, a week, a month, a year, or until you remove them from ignore. I don’t think people should be using the report function as an ignore feature, as thats not its intended purpose.

I’d also be more okay with people using the report function as an ignore feature if punishments to being reported were not automatic. It was hilarious to me back in WoD when the system was implemented that Blizzard insisted and made very clear that players would receive no punishment from being reported until investigated by a gm. People immediately put this to the test, and were silenced within a few seconds of being mass reported, even though they did absolutely nothing wrong. Its amazing that Blizzard has continued to get away with such a blatant lie ever since.

I understand people dislike this person. Thats not the point. This video shows the massive flaw of the right click report system, and how Blizzard blatantly lies about how it works.

ban the cheaters!

You mean like making Desolate Armor Kits which sell pretty well? Being a tailor and selling bags?

Guess you just don’t want to do the work.

That’s not what Mom tells me! If I mow the lawn and shovel the driveway I’m still “helping out” and she buys me ice cream!

The point is that what they are doing is not against the games rules, yet they are being falsely punished for it regardless. The report function is not there to silence someone you dislike or disagree with.