People already falsely reporting me for language while I advertise my own services

ok well then do not use abusive language next time.

if you believe they were false reports u should appeal .

that is not an argument or counterpoint.

its really simple swipecatrake. just be considerate. dont post your 5 line message twenty times in trade chat. be considerate of your fellow player.

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This is only the first step. Selling services is OVER. People can play the game how it’s meant to be played.

When you are reported, they are automated.

Being reported for abusive language does not mean you used abusive language. Being reported for spam, does not mean you spammed.

If i report you on 10 accounts when you post ‘WTS 20 Greens’, is that justified? Obviously not.


You couldn’t be further away from the truth. We just went from four major US communities to now the exact same thing restructured, with guilds also now joining the mix in competition.

Boosting is going nowhere. It never will. Any arguement against it is just a fairytale.


You still have not posted on Customer Support where there are actual Blizz staff who serve as an Information Desk to answer questions.

Just because you CAN post every 45 seconds does not mean you should. If you annoy the other customers to the point they report you, then Blizzard will side with them.

You are so smart i am actually astonished.

but being suspended for abusive language does mean you used abusive language. thats the important part.

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Nah boosting is done. They’re just starting with the big fish and working their way down. Keep reporting anyone selling boosts everyone!

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I’m sure the non-boosting chads in trade chat should be doing lynching like they’re doing tho. Literally creating “Booster reporting communities”

Im sorry but as someone who deals with silence appeals on a daily basis and works with hundreds of advertisers, everything you’ve said in any post today is just factually incorrect.

Maybe the helpdesk will say as such, but it is just not the case.

Each have their own opinion, but it defeats the purpose imo when you’re highlighted for the council role and spreading information on a topic you lack experience in. As i am going to assume you have no history advertising boosts, given your position.


No… its automated. That is the point. You then have to go open a appeal. This now takes 1-2 days because of live chat downtime, which is when it become abused significantly more.

This is a common tactic boost sellers use on competitors.

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the squelch is automated. the suspension isnt. there’s a difference.

anyone caught abusing the report feature will be suspended so nothing for you to worry about.

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your server community doesn’t like what you’re saying (your pvp caries) and decided to report you. automated moderation working as intended


Actually, Mirasol has been around for years as a MVP before the council. He’s right, you are wrong, seeing how you not wanting to post on the CS forums for clarification.

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pretty much this is how it was before as well. None wanted to see boosting services flood the actual trade chat. It used to be frowned upon to skip the entire game to swipe your credit card. Hopefully we get back to that.

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And /thread

As a boosting community leader for several years dealing with hundreds of appeals, live chats, callbacks… i can assure you, i am very familiar with the processes. I fail to grasp how being a forum MVP with no boost advertising experience qualifies you to understand the system at all.

Blizzard doesn’t work with 3rd parties in regards of silences/suspensions and bans. Something smells, and it ain’t the fish.

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As stated in the other post:

When you are silenced or suspended (automatically)… any advertiser will use a live chat or callback to get a instant response (atleast pre-covid when always online, now ticket forces a wait often)… which is why abuse scaled higher.

During these, game masters would apologise, overturn and suggest ‘posting a little less’ ‘posting with gold only in macro’ or something else irrelevant, and you’d be on your way.

Hell, i have had a single day where i needed THREE appeals. That was BFA though.