It is known that you will need to go back to The Maw and venture the zone to try and find keys to enter Torghast.
Why act surprised?
Seriously, why?? It was extremely obvious
You should have clearly known horrific visions was the trial run for Torghast, and I said this before
And if I were you, I’d get started on practicing via farming vessels/running visions so you know what to expect coming Shadowlands with Torghast and The Maw, meaning being used to it
Ehh, i mean if it’s taking from Visions and improving upon it, then i might like it better.
Honestly the one thing about the visions that put me off of it was the time aspect. Looking at some of the gameplay of the Torghast, while it doesn’t look like anything special, i noticed their isn’t the annoying timer (or if there is one, it’s super relaxed) and instead replaced with a 3 lives system.
While i enjoy the more slower and thoughtful approach instead of visions which is just “run forest run” though stormwind, checking mailboxes and killing anything that breathes, i really dislike lives in video games in general.
Even in Spyro where you can just easily farm up for the lives and you will never get below 30 at end boss, practically to a point where lives are pointless to put in (this is even back on the PS1 mind you), it’s still annoying to see on principle.
Don’t even get me started on Mage Tower and the absolute hell it took me to get flame-glaives. One wrong move and gotta start all over again. 
You’re like the news media. Just post things that everyone else is already talking about in a way to get likes or replies.
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Welcome to a Clark thread, where it’s all about posting stuff to trigger people.
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Be warned, they are considering adding a timer to it so that people dont just sit around between mobs waiting for things to come off cooldown
Frustrated groan

Goes off to take a steam bath with Quicksaves, Autosaves, and Checkpoints 
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I hope they make it like the mage tower. Add a quest that gives you key currency daily like the little demon who we got chests from in the mage tower. That way after you do that quest you don’t have to really worry about the amount of keys you need to get in.