Penance Macro

Hey so I have a macro which is
/cast [target=mouseover,exists,noharm,nodead] Penance; Penance

If I"m in PVP and I’m targetting someone with say SWP and I try to use it to heal myself, the cast won’t go off.

Is there some way to write the macro so it will still target me while doing everything else it does?

1st I’ll clean up the macro a bit.

/use [@mouseover,exists,noharm,nodead][]Penance

Now this should allow you to use penance on your currently selected target be it friend or enemy.

Only when you mouseover a friendly target will it bypass your currently selected target an instead cast on your mouseover friendly target.

If you remove the noharm portion, it should always be casted on your current selected target and then any mouseover will override your current target and redirect to mouseover target.

Yeah that’s not what I’m trying to do, I have 2 separate penance spells, one only for friendly and one only for enemies.

The issue is when I am targeting someone in PVP my healing penance won’t cast anything because of an enemy I’m targetting.

I need the macro to cast on mouseover friendly and myself default regardless of what I’m targeting, it works in PVE but it doesn’t in PVP so it must be the way it’s worded that’s causing it.

/use [@mouseover,exists,noharm,nodead][@player]Penance

Try that.

You want @player to target yourself. So if you don’t mouseover a friendly, then it will penance yourself. But you won’t be able to penance an enemy at all now. But that sounds like that’s your goal/intention.

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Thank you that works.