Hey guys,
I was doing a M+ yesterday with friend and fount that my penance macro stopped working.“/cast [harm][@targettarget,harm]penance”. I normally use this macro when my target is tank.
I thought it was my macro issue but I have been using it since last season and I used this one when I was playing solo shuffle, no issues. I checked around and tested a few things and it turns into this might be a bug if you are using voidweaver hero talent.
What it looks like is, whenyou cast penance to a ENEMY target, the bolts will be missing if your target is changed. “Missing” means you are still channelling, but no damage, no healing, and no animation of bolts flying out.
Results of the test are below:
1.If your target changed from a enemy target to a friend target, bolts will be missing, no animation, no healing, no damage.
2.If your target is a friendly target, no issue at all, no matter how you change your target
3.If your target is changed from a enemy target to another enemy target, it will show 2 bolts flying out at the same time to both of the target, but only the original target got 4 bolts damage. All the bolts flying to the 2nd target are fake animation.
I tested the same thing with Oracle hero telant, no issue at all. The macro just works as expected.
Could someone try to replicate this issue so that I can tell it’s not my UI or addons issue? Thanks ahead.