Penalty System for leaving keys

Key leavers happen, form better groups… play with guildies/friends… but any “solution” to punish key leavers will create more problems I promise you.

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No offense, but if people leaving keys is a major problem for you, maybe you need to take a look in the mirror and figure out what you’re doing wrong.

I’ve had less than ten groups fail this entire expac purely because of people leaving without notice. And only one of those was truly unexpected. The others were me joining a clearly fail group that had multiple deaths before the first boss. I can’t really blame people for bouncing in that situation. Or just bad luck with a player dc’ing. Which, there’s not much you can do about that.

And that’s never been a huge problem. Someone dc’s we go “dang, that sucks” and then form a new group. Someone leaves cause the group is failing? Just downrank the key a level or two and try again. When you are running 10+ keys a week on multiple toons, it just doesn’t register that once in a couple weeks when it happens.


Nah man, someone from the FBI should go to anyone’s house who “dcs” and make sure it was legit or else be killed under the penalty of having ruined a wow key.

If anyone is wondering, this is how every one of these threads sounds. Preach called this insanity out in his rant about the community council. These posters believe this is a legitimately actionable issue.

Non psychopaths literally just go, “whelp, that sucks, thanks” and hearth out, but these absolute loons someone to pay in blood for their 20m time waste.


That was a great video

I wanna see.

The problem is that this is one risk you assume when you pug a key. The solution is to not pug, play with guildies and/or friends.

If you don’t want to play with guildies/friends and only pug then you have to accept the risks that go along with it.

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Came here to vent. I just left a 6 NW key because besides the healer the entire group was garbage. Just plain garbage like they’ve never done a m+ before. I had all the interrupts except 2, top dps overall, only person who didn’t die multiple times. Tank running and pulling massive packs like he’s in the mdi and just getting plowed. Nobody picking up weapons (I had spear orb hammer already) and they had 15 minutes left on timer and hadn’t gotten to amarth yet.

I left because I didn’t see them meeting the timer and it was aggravating to play with that group. The group was listed as “beat timer”.

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And yet according to some people you should be punished for leaving :roll_eyes:

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i had a 7 SD like that the other night. i was on my 215 mistweaver so perfectly capable of healing it but it’s not going to be effortless on fort/grievous., especially with nobody interrupting anything and low dps (yes, even for a 7). all of that would have been fine except for the tank refusing to stop double- or triple-pulling packs like it’s the end of the world if we don’t 3-chest it. i’m the only venthyr and the tank’s yelling in chat “CLICK THE URN” as i try to dispel two people at a time and chains are going out and everyone’s at 30% health because literally nothing has been interrupted and i’m suppressed for half the pull.

i bailed after the fourth ridiculous pull that resulted in a wipe. i have ZERO guilt about that.


use r,io more strictly. you’re clearly inviting trash players and then being surprised when they are trash.

nah, change the keystone system so it doesn’t matter if someone leaves

players will never change and you can’t ‘punish’ players into doing what you want

The leader is supposed to be the deterrent. No one ever quit a key they weren’t invited to join. It is not Blizzard’s fault that people just grab the highest io rating they can find and consider that “thoroughly vetting”.

There are definitely two sides to this issue, both entirely fair. I still would submit that Blizz consider not downgrading a key if it were overtime (like if someone DC’d or left) as long as it was completed. I think this would encourage people to keep trying, and running their own keys. It would be less disheartening to the keyholder, and people who leave a group for a legitimate reason would not be punished. Someone else pointed out in one of these threads recently that nowhere else in competitions are people forced to try again at a lower level if they fail once at what they do.