Uh no. It’s selfish to leave a BG you started.
Deserters are a problem even when there are rewards. Wod/mop had deserters as well.
How come abandoning a casual dungeon or casual raid (LFR) in World of Warcraft comes with a 30-minute penalty?
Other games are irrelevant.
Then people have the ability to take it into their own hands by removing disruptive players. There are people that try to throw games now or are you claiming there are no “just let them win” or “gg noobz” after 1 flag cap currently?
If you are going to quit, please quit early and don’t spend the whole time being miserable telling everyone how bad they are, implying you are good.
Hopefully when you quit, we’ll get someone who helps us win or at least make it a good fight.
Those people end up leaving and we replace them with better people i honestly hardly ever see people kick others anymore and if people do bring it up the person that does is the person that gets kicked anyway {still rare}
We did have deserters then. The real problem was the bots didn’t care if we were winning or losing they’d stick around.
True, and they didn’t care if they got thrown into a half played match
I see people get kicked all the time, and the posts on this forum from people raging they were instantly kicked would support that.
Not really, it’s not that easy to remove non-productive teammates.
I see a number of afkers in epic bgs that “get away with it” on a pretty regular basis (unfortunately). Some of these guys end a match with less than 300k damage done, but never get noticed/kicked
A few popular examples…
- parking yourself in a vehicle or turret (prevents people from “reporting” you)
- simply PvPing on roads to defeat any “away” reports
- autorunning into a wall or corner, to “blatantly” afk
- “staying dead” to appear as if you just landed in the GY <— pugs that don’t pay attention miss this one all the time
It’s hard enough to remove these afk/dead weight types in a 40-man bg, probably even harder in a smaller 10-man bg since the afkers are able to stay in combat much more easily.
It’s quite easy to “stop trying” in a bg without anyone else noticing, so the threat of being reported afk isn’t really effective as a deterrent. I see these “sloppy” afkers (examples I mentioned) get away with it all the time, I imagine a more savvy afker would be much more discreet.
Have not seen a person kicked in a very long time so must not be very often
if its epics i dont run those often
The 15 minutes is fine, just need to add account wide and it’s all good. And I have been saying this for many expansions now, it’s not a BfA only problem.
Do you flag people in chat who are contributing nothing? In my games I will call out non-contributors and make it extremely easy for people to flag.
“Gdtroll, troll warrior, group 2 at GY in starting base afk - 0 healing / 0 damage - pls kick so we get someone useful”
Works 95% of the time. If you don’t call it out, not everyone is as vigilant as you are, so they may just be unaware.
Gdtroll makes a fair point about people that come back to clear their debuff. That happens sometimes, but they eventually get a second callout and then they get instant kicked.
I joined a losing Ashran just started, I left immediately and so did several others. I said hi and bye no thanks. So that back fill doesn’t work out really because people just take the deserter and go back to questing instead of joining a losing BG that takes up valuable time.
Option 1 - stay in the losing Ashran and get no rewards
Option 2 - grind out 3 heroic expeditions for 900 azerite in that time and maybe some cool items.
Think people will take option 2.
i have done so in the past yeah but usually the response from people are of the following
*ok but the person is not kicked anyway
*b its random bg who cares get over it
*c they just end up kicking the person who said it in chat instead {has not happend to me personally but i have seen it happen to people in the past}
and *d nobody says a word
So in the end i hardly care anymore i personally would rather just keep this as is
you have your experience which i am sure you are able to get others to kick people out which is fine good for you but as for me i havent seen people do that and i do ALOT of bgs as my honor level is 801 on my main account {ps i know honor lvl doesnt matter i am just showing that as i do alot of bgs}
Except, that would never happen. I’m almost always with the main group PvPing… you would never see me with 0 damage / 0 healing
So I ask you again, if I decided to just “stop trying”, but continued to PvP with the main group, how will you know? It’s fairly easy to “blend in” with a large deathball in epic bgs.
If I decided the game was already a loss, and decided to just “stop trying” (in my own discreet/creative ways) to avoid a deserter debuff, how will you stop me?
Fix how? Should have already tested it on a target dummy first to make sure it will function there properly, then test it vs someone.
In a skirm you are screwing over minimum 9 other people because you want to yolo out on some roads.
Skirms aren’t even tracked like bgs are, so you are also hurting people’s statistics.
You entering a bg, is saying you are committing to the group activity for it’s length.
You going in solely not to participate in the bg makes you a detriment to the group, and now have cause at least 9 other people to have a less 5than fun time.
I don’t consider PvP’ing with the main group to be “afk” or not contributing. You may not be trying for the objectives any more (and in epic battlegrounds you are right it is harder to spot non-contributors through traditional means) but you are a warm body and contributing damage/healing/meat shield is doing something.
At any rate, I only advocate a harsher penalty for frequent deserters. People that occasionally leave because they no longer wish to play, or have to go because of IRL, or disconnects will be largely unaffected by any changes.
Disagree that is an RBG. Joining BGs there is no commitment.
The opposing team is the target dummies.
BG statistics isn’t even a thing.
With that said I do just fine in a BG as my goal is to own it up and steam roll over people leading in KBs and Healing. However there is no commitment so you can fight how you please.
Correct, a random bg does not impart any “commitment” on anyone, just like LFR doesn’t “commit” you to stay if the group is bad or the boss turns into a 1-hour wipefest with 10 determination stacks.
Even premade pug groups like M+ don’t “force” you to stay or imply any “commitment”, you invite strangers at your own risk.

Literally deemed this by Blizzard. It means you can casually come and go.
Then why a Blizz instated penalty when you do?