a debuff that can be waited out isn’t enough. there needs to be a leavers queue for people that regularly leave/afk/die in huge number. random bgs aren’t serious sure, but having your time wasted by a few bad players really does suck for those of us that always give it our all.
the rewards for pvp are great; the penalties for being a drag on your team are not
part of the reason people leave so often is because they think the debuff won’t last as long as a losing game. it’s very clear to me that the debuff is not enough to stop people from giving up or afking or throwing the game entirely.
Are you playing lowbie bgs? Or is this just a forum alt?
If it’s lowbie bgs we’re talking about, you play those at your own risk imo Twinks/unbalanced gear/unbalanced abilities often lead to 1-sided stomps in lowbie bgs. So it’s understandable why people would leave such 1-sided games versus a bunch of twinks on the other team.
Yes, people will leave when faced with premades/twinks in lower PvP brackets, I would probably do the same if I were playing lowbie bgs.
If we’re talking max level/120 bgs: just don’t be bad and your teammates will be less likely to leave. Pretty simple.
The way it is is fine now rather that then people staying and throwing games on purpose i have had people leave and someone new joins and we turn it around
I wonder if people would use an on-call BG queue system that put them into games-in-progress in return for greater rewards. It would use the same tech as what you’re proposing–but trying the carrot before instead of/before the stick.
Nice when this happens. Had this happen the other night. Some whiner “Oh no, guys, we have no healers. I’m out!” We had a healer, dude was blind or stupid or both. Team laughed at him and all said “bye!”
Leaving a BG to finish visions, quest, rep or farm Azerite is a better use of your time to actually become stronger. So Blizzard has encouraged people to AFK out of BGs since the reward for your time is the worst it can be. Literally anything else is more rewarding than a BG at this time.
If I got a 1 month deserter for leaving so be it. It doesn’t matter because if I want to leave then I want to leave. There is no amount of time or penalty you can throw out there that will stop players from leaving. It is better to encourage players to stay with a far better reward system that is actually meaningful to the rest of the content. Honor is worthless. Period.
If a player wants to leave every single BG that is their choice and there is no commitment and there shouldn’t be. Why have a penalty for something that has the worst rewards in game and is the biggest waste of your time playing? Seriously.
If they brought back Honor Vendors and that gear was competitive and scaled up above Mythic Raiding gear and rolled sockets and corruptions and based on your individual performance you had a chance to loot this even in a loss. People would stay.
You fix this situation by having individual performance matter again with a good reward system.
lots of horde trolls lately notice a lot of people doing BGs with less than 100k HP.
it doesnt matter how good they are, they always have zero kills, lots of deaths and just makes it feel like we are down a player or two. I usually just afk out and play an alt if this happens.
Its strange cuz dungeons require ilvl to Q for them but people can join BG with literally 0 ilvl completely naked if they want.
done 12 bgs so far today and i have noticed a HUGE increase in people with around 100-150k today then i checked the calendar and found out why its bg week >.<
I’m fine with the system of increasing debuff times for repeat offenders.
What kinda sucks is that there seems to be no way to prevent the debuff due to disconnections.
I never leave a BG even when it sucks, because it sucks even more to be dumped into a horrid bg late into the debacle. In Wintergrasp entering late is incentive to bail because you already feel like you’ll never get enough rank to be of much use, depending on spec and capability.
An increasing penalty (that is account bound) for repeat offenders doesn’t impact people who occasionally need to leave for real life or disconnects.
Similarly, Epic Battlegrounds should have a longer debuff by default if they are expected to last longer (but this one should only happen if certain maps are tweaked so that the first battle doesn’t determine the winner…)
I am also a fan of the idea of placing all frequent deserters into fresh maps with each other, so you see people /afk out as soon as they exit the flag room in Warsong Gulch because the tree stump looked at them funny.