Pemades are destroying WSG Q's

Horde PuGs, alliance premade, alliance PuGs didnt get a group but alliance premade did.

When players literally cant get into games because there are literally full teams vs full teams playing… the solo Q players quit because they cant even get into games.

Then there is the DD players win trading AV and WSG “Time Q’n” so they can farm eachother for rep / honor

2 problems going on here… First puggers cant get into games because too many puggers quit Q’n because getting farmed they say is not fun… OK, that makes sense, but worse because they stopped Q’n now literally no one but premades get games GG well played.

Hi, I just played against you on my ally mage (cassavalady), 2 of the games we played we were at 8/10, only the last game was 10/10 allies.

Yeah I get that, it makes sense if that is the case alliance side. I don’t play alliance so I don’t see their queue issues. It sounded like duckling was talking about pug queues on horde side. Which did not make sense to me because I get in rather quickly most of the time. (WSG)

But then I also don’t think I am playing against only premades, or they are not above average premades. So that is a little weird too. Obviously all of this is anecdotal and depends on play time but that is true for everyone posting.

For sure, specifically this was at AEST around 9pm which is 7am mankrik and I think 4am whitemane

yes, USED to. And the current algorithm makes it worse

That’s asking alot for a company who doesnt care about era

Thats because the algorithm attempts to separate solo qs from premade qs

The change quite literally made it WORSE for solo players if there are less of them in q

Let’s be real here, everyone remembers back when BGs were actually good and healthy. Those memories are from pre-changes BGs. Hate to say it but it’s true. Nobody cares anymore they’ve hollowed out BGs

yeah… its murdered my WSG Q’s… needs fixing immediately!.