Pelagos, WoW's First Transgender Character(Confirmed)

But who cares, like, its a game without sex in it. Why does sexuality even need discussed? I dont see a bunch of npcs running around yelling “I’M STRAIGHT!”… know why? Because its not important to any aspect of the game. A trans person can run around assuming everyone is trans just like a straight person can run around assuming everyone is straight. It truly doesn’t matter. People need to stop trying to shove their irl views and needs for inclusion into a game that has no purpose for it.


what is a half black half brown man?
Never heard of this before but genuinely curious

Black/south East Asian (I’m very dark and also the Asian side of my family is Muslim)

When people say aawww blacks goto jail more, awww they get paid less, awww it’s just not fair, you know what a lot of my folks do? Believe in it and become victims.

I try to preach instead, there is no such thing like that exist, we are all created equal and you can do and achieve whatever you want as long as the focus is on YOURSELF. Hold yourself accountable and believe it at the core of your being that you have complete control of your life and that no, you’re not in some handicapped position.

Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.

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Don’t you just hate it when big corporations virtue signal by adding fragile straight characters to the game?

All I could think during the Malfurion and Tyrande relationship arc was ‘ugh…politics, in my World of Warcraft!’


Don’t have a problem with them saying Pelagos is trans, but if I hadn’t been told by the media they are trans, I never would have known.

I just found the character annoying and unengaging, but that fit my opinion of Bastion as a whole.

Mind you, if you can’t tell somebody is trans, isn’t that the goal?

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Oh i agree. I think accountability gets thrown out the window on most social issues and we get into the situations you see now where bad cops keep their jobs because they cant be held accountable due to unions, but bad people getting arrested need to be held accountable as well.
But reasonable thinking is rare now a days. especially in a two party system like we have either. You either are ACAB or a “bootlicker”


I just wanna time walk back to when Jaina was Jason.

your ignorance is baffling.

please, tell me where I said otherwise.

So, sorry to “burst your bubble,” but POC are the victims in the whole racism culture; even if some of them are ALSO perpetrators.

Internalized racism and homophobia are clearly bad, but the problem is at the root that led to internalization in the first place.

If you think otherwise, then IDK what I’d tell you.

A male character saying they’re male… is trans…am I missing something?

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LOL, wrong again. Yes, there is racism. However, the problem is that it exists on both sides. The problem there is that only one side is ever condemned. Also, some people use racism, among other things, as crutches and excuses.


Bigots being butthurt for someone else being happy when it dosent touch them in any way.

Nothing new !!


You realize that there are blacks not indulging in internalized racism, but in racism towards other distinct groups, right?

PoC are teh victims in countries with white majorities, but, they are fully capable of being the abusers in their own home country/culture.

Unless, of course, the only racism you consider worth worrying about is America’s, which is only valid to about 1/16th of the world’s population.

Not being American, I’m not bound by their narrow scope.

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Very aware, but in the context he used it, it was referring to black Americans being racist towards each other.

The irony is that you are trying to make it sound like white people are the victims. Talk about excuses…

Well, “Transgender” and “AgeSexual” are the same things to me

He may mean it that way, he may just mean some people blame racism for their own failings.


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Trans characters in the story! How awesome!

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This x 100.

I don’t like it when people start talking about how we’re treated unfairly, how we get locked up more, how we have disadvantages as those words are there to put a cage around your potential.

There’s racist on every corner, you can choose to point fingers or simply move on and not care and just do your thing

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Remember when that Hearthstone player spoke out on China human rights issues and Blizzard banned his account?

With Kotick saying “our platforms are not for political views”

Blizzard will make a stand unless it affects the bottom line.


Don’t really care about people pushing social agendas in a video game.

In some cases they are. Just like in some cases black people are.

However, the quote you used was about how people cling to their victimhood in lieu of actually fixing anything.