Pelagos or Kleia for Vengeance?

I mainly do mythic + and was curious what you guys ran

Only time I run kleia is necrotic.

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Wowhead has a good write up on it.

I’m kinda torn between the two also. I know icy veins has kleia doe the best option, but when I see some videos of some higher IO players they are suggesting Pelagos so you can skip the finesse conduit and just have double endurance and one potency

The problem here is that you are giving up way more positive bonuses to get an extra potency slot which really boils down to a very minor DPS increase. As a tank I rather survive better/help my team more than get 50 more dps.

Removing Conduits from the equation, Pelagos offers 3% less magic damage and some mastery boost with ED that translates to about 3% less damage taken during demon spikes.

Kelia gives your party 5% health, gives you a 10% shield between pulls, up to 20% health heal for yourself and party members if they drop below 50% health. This ability scales with crit and when you chose the final endurance slot her 8th tier ability gives you up to 5% more crit which feeds the above mentioned heal ability.

Also with that 5% crit to ALL abilities, it might outweigh any individual potency conduit DPS or at least mitigate most of the difference. (This isn’t available until Renown 34, I think a lot of the recommendations are based on the entire toolkit. Right now Pelagos could be the best since he has his 8th tier available now for the 3% magic reduction)

Also keep in mind that you don’t have to choose and stick with one, there is no penalty for swapping soulbinds as long as you’re at your Forge of Bonds. So you can pick and choose which situation, be it raiding/certain mythic dungeons of affixes where you might find different toolkit better and just use that soulbind.

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