Wow doesnt have enough sandwiches. I suggest peanut butter and mayo sandwiches.
I agree those slap. Maybe some veggie subs.
Wow doesn’t have a lot of pizza either. What about a peas and mayo pizza?
who hurt you?
Seriously, who hurt you?
I have very strange taste buds.
There’s strange and then there are abominations.
Still not as bad as chitlins getting prepared in a studio apartment with no AC during the summer.
This thread must be nuked with Cheese
Mustard choco-chip cookies would be a huge win.
jelly and pork rinds
Never had a PB&J. I dislike PB and I can’t imagine bread and jelly changes that.
I heard they love mustard and jelly sandwiches with a nice cold tall boy on the side out in Tol Barad.
I like Miracle Whip.
That’s the part ya find gross and not the mayo?!
Mayo goes well with lots of things.
For example, chicken and mayo. Thats a godly combo.
Peanut butter ruins everything it touches.