<Peak of Unity> LFM Fri//Sat Nights

Peak of Unity is a progressive raiding guild on Area 52 with members that have been raiding together for years. We are currently LFM for 11.1, taking a look at any app with AOTC with Mythic Experience. We try to maintain the most drama free//completely fun environment while still being able to progress through each raid at a decent rate.

Raid Times: 1130pm-130am est (server time) Friday and Saturday Night

Current Prog: 8/8N, 4/8H

Current Needs:
Healer- Evoker, or Monk
Dps- Evoker, Havoc DH, Boomkin//Feral. Considering any ranged.
Tanks- Veng DH

We are all friends in this guild, we do other things (mostly gaming) together aswell, we are looking for more long term friends, if interested, contact is below (preferably discord)

mark6001 Discord (preferred) Mark#1861 Bnet

Up for new tier, and hopefully some new friends, come check us out!

New patch is here, we will trade baked goods for a Havoc or Veng DH

Sent you a discord request - Lock looking for s2 team

Up, any ranged dps looking for a guild with our times, we need new besties.

First week almost here LFM ranged specfically!

Looking for another ranged or 2 to join us.

Lets get it, more friends!

Season 2 is here, Looking for 1 more dps, ranged pref. And a Druid dps//healer.

7/8 First night on norm, starting heroic tonight. LFM DPS and a Healer who could potentially flex dps.

Up for second raid week, hope everyone got a huge vault

Still looking to add 2 more friends to our awesome raid team.

Goodluck in vaults friends

Up for new raid week