Peagasus mount

Honestly how is there no pegasus mount related to bastion or the kyrian what a missed opportunity this is if it’s not added.

Don’t give me tyraels charger is a Pegasus i dont want to hear it


isn’t TRH a pegasus?


There is Invincible. It’s a little bit dead and spooky, but it is a pegasus horse!

Bastion doesn’t have horses in their land so that’s probably why.

I mean, technically there are plenty of coursers running about. It’s odd not a single one of them are winged, though.

Isn’t there the old pegasus star mount from the shop years ago? I’m fairly sure it’s still there. It even fits the color theme.


But no, not quite. All of the flying horses in the game either fly without wings (ie, coursers), with “magically projected” wings (ie, hearthsteed), or with… transplanted wings (ie, Invincible). We don’t have a plain naturally-winged flying horse yet, which is likely what OP is asking for.

They’d wreck it or turn it into a “my little pony” thing. I was really worried they were gonna make NF playable. If that happened, I’m done

Sadly the idea was out there, just never made a reality…


i was hoping you’d ask.

Travels, invincible, celestial steed

My kingdom for so fine a steed.

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Alliance needs more horses

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At least unicorns can fly now. :man_shrugging:

Isn’t Invinsible a pegassus? Well, it doesn’t matters. It’s the only one I need!

That is so cool o.o

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no it not, that’s like saying a car towing a trailer is a Semi truck.

Yeah and Celestial Steed in the shop