Peacock Pigments

Blizz, come on.


A) Increase the feather droprate


B) Increase the peacock respawn rate AND fix bugged peacocks (it’s easy, there’s like 3 in both spawn points, peacock sitting on branch=permabugged)

This quest is a bit too TBC for DF.


January '24 and this quest is STILL garbage! Increase the feather drop rate to 100%, OR increase the area for the peacocks and the number of them in the area. I am currently trying to complete this quest, and with 2 other people doing it, it sucks! Come Blizz, you guys are better than this!!

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Patch 10.2.5 removed the Azure Cryer at Traitor’s Rest in the Azure Span thanks to the addition of an Azerothian Archives digsite there, making an already-painful weekly profession that much more difficult.

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