Peacock Pigments

Blizz, come on.


A) Increase the feather droprate


B) Increase the peacock respawn rate AND fix bugged peacocks (it’s easy, there’s like 3 in both spawn points, peacock sitting on branch=permabugged)

This quest is a bit too TBC for DF.


January '24 and this quest is STILL garbage! Increase the feather drop rate to 100%, OR increase the area for the peacocks and the number of them in the area. I am currently trying to complete this quest, and with 2 other people doing it, it sucks! Come Blizz, you guys are better than this!!


Patch 10.2.5 removed the Azure Cryer at Traitor’s Rest in the Azure Span thanks to the addition of an Azerothian Archives digsite there, making an already-painful weekly profession that much more difficult.

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When I have time to search the forums while waiting for the peacocks to respawn (only twice today, since no one else was there), to get all the feathers I need from this quest, you know there is something wrong with it. It’s one thing to be actively working on a quest that takes some time, or be competing against other players for tags on mobs, but sitting around waiting for mobs to spawn because they are so few and the drop rate is so low when there is no competition to do the quest…that’s just terribly poor design. This quest has greatly contributed to why my scribe is not yet maxed out on points - it’s been hard to justify spending the time required on this weekly quest when there were so many other things in game I could be spending my time on.