After earning the title, “Honorary Dryad”, it makes me sad that we have to kill the peacocks to get the feathers. Maybe add an option to bop them for a short stun, or tag them with a net to snag the feathers?. It especially feelsbadman.jpg to do the quest around the Ruby Life Pools or the place where you talked to the frog nerd.
Agreed! I wish they’d offer this option for lots of the quests. Why does it always have to be murder? Especially if we just need a bit of hair or a feather.
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The pitful drop rate and low mobs really makes you murder them way more then you should. Except for those that are in the trees and evade when you attack them.
Comon Bliz, 18 years and mobs still evade like that??
They should just make a kid friendly side of the game and have you all play there.