Peace of Mind

This game mode is great, could I recommend any kind of failsafe for when technicalities happen on Blizzards end?

When playing Hardcore there’s a looming feeling that all your time and investment could be ended at any point, that’s the fun of it, it’s a whole story of your character. It’s 3 days later; I’m still not sure why mine, Ora’s, Macks, Hx’s, and many other players died. But it was a story that ended with 87 days played, a lot of friendships made, 1200 raid boss kills, and a white box in the middle of my screen.

My experience was a great one, I’m not sitting here to ask for my character back.

What I am asking for is Peace of Mind for playerbase so when this inevitably happens again on a much larger scale or unfortunate timing, we’re not stuck wondering why.


Blizzard should manufacture a miniature of your toon and mail it to you and all other lvl 60s who die as a result of game instability.


I concur!!!

If you believe you know why (someone already fingered interaction with a certain addon) ask for that to be fixed in the Classic Bug Report forum.

Otherwise Blizzard covered already that the “why” doesn’t matter if you die in HC. Peace of mind can be found in other Classic offerings. HC features that Sword of Damocles over your head.

Sorry for your loss but go agane is fun too.
Many of us love and continue to do so.

Death is death. It’s part of the design of the game. (which quite frankly is just boring)

Another way to ask for the ability to pull the plug when your think your character is about to die. Yawn.

You’re confused, this is for when blizzards servers mess up. Not for when you DC.

As for Asma thanks for the non-response, nothing is fun when youre not in control of anything. People won’t have fun or “go agane” when you flush all their time and effort down the drain because of your server instability.

“Many of us” , yeah all 50 of you guys waiting for the inev server crash mid raid?

As for Marisa, death is death, and this is a video game. Nobody died, give people their toons back when your servers act up because unlike death this is a video game and we can remove the nonsense.


HC is death is death, and no it doesn’t matter how, if you make a mistake and, have a poor internet connection and your computer loses contact with the servers briefly, if the servers actually have a problem, your client crashes, or if you are foolish enough to play HC during a DOS attack, or even if you get griefed, it doesn’t matter.

Also the last thing Blizzard needs is to have to deal with all the wanna be HC players who would try to appeal every silly death, always blaming it on Blizzard and which would probably be the fastest way to get the servers shut down. If you want appeal-core, go back to playing on an ERA server with the add-on.

People died to Blizzard introducing untested code which nobody asked for.

The issue is literally only Blizzard. Leave the code alone


Blizzard did test the code, to say otherwise is completely false, however the reality is things can always occur which are almost impossible to test for, this includes the issue which caused the client crash on a large number of people. There is zero chance that most dev team would create a test to catch this specific issue, even with well designed automated testing, many bugs are just hard or impossible to detect.

There is also no way, Blizzard is going to invest a huge amount of money to make a bullet proof system (which isn’t even possible) or segregate the HC servers, it simply isn’t cost effective, this means that there will be changes and even though they put extra effort into watching for bugs on HC which is why the servers come up last, things can and will happen.

If this is to much risk for you, then HC is not for you, and you should stick to the ERA servers, since nothing will ever be perfectly safe, and based on the clearly defined rules that everyone agrees to prior to creating a HC character, no matter what the reason, there is and will be no rollbacks.

The task would likely have been much more reasonable if it was restricted to hardcore and Era servers.

The fact that SoD is being built on same architecture is the primary cause of instability and complexity of making tests.

(~20 year old battle tested 1.12) vs. (SoD 1.15 which has new massive releases every other week, on a codebase they didn’t originally design, with a tiny team in comparison.)

So agree that if they could avoid any change, that would always be best since even testing is always going to be a best effort, and will never catch everything, especially problems that do not fit well into a standard use cases. However the reality is HC likely does not pay for itself, so having additional versions like ERA, SOD on the same stack will help reduce the overhead cost, helping keep the server more viable. They have also been clear about the plans for servers, so nothing about SOD should be a surprise, like it or not.

Also while certainly some issues might be caused by SOD, looking at this one, it’s seems unlikely that it was, since it has not related to any of the SOD changes, and it might have been around a long time as its also the kind of problem that wouldn’t normally surface without the correct circumstances.

“HC likely does not pay for itself”
Dude, if that is the issue, just fire all the involved devs and their managers. It does not even take 1 full-time dev to handle this mode IF it was separated. The fact that after every retail, classic, era, sod patch you have to fix 20 bugs in the other modes is what makes this not viable. The game is finished. 15$ per month is WAY too much paying just for server maintenance. Nobody asked for anything above “disable rez”. Just stop “developing”

I’d venture to say that 99% of all “unfair” HC char deaths are on the side of the player. I’ve yet to experience any issues bemoaned about. All the disconnects while flying, all the falling through world, all the sudden game lags, etc. It may happen in the future, but I’ve just not experienced it in the slightest so far. To me, a lot of complaining seems to happen from people playing on a toaster connected to a dial-up modem.

I would concede that if Blizzard ever had a major issue on their side, then it would be cool for them to rollback everyone’s progress to a state prior. If that means getting characters back, then so be it.

What is highly unlikely is for Blizzard to actually admit that such a global even has occurred or will ever have the possibility of occurring. So until that happens, you just have to live with no peace of mind.

The critical error the op is referring to that crashed hundreds of players clients simultaneously is well documented. It definitely happened and is definitely blizzard’s fault.

When i scroll through this forum, most of the death complaints are other people talking about about this same incident. The one exception is a guy who is salty that he accidentaly drowned but other than that, there really isn’t much in the way of illegitimate complaints. I have no idea where you are getting this 99% figure from.


Completely anecdotal and more me poking fun. Yeah if everyone crashed at the same time and it is clearly a Blizz issue, then a rollback would be welcome. Don’t think it’ll happen unless the devs actually say that it was their fault or accept some sort of responsibility for it. Did they? I’d be surprised if so…

During the initial wave of HC deaths, there were a ton of complaints about DC’s and other random issues. I was playing heavily during that time and didn’t experience any of it. Choked it up to toasters on dial-up.

I don’t want a rollback. I want the Classic devs to stop messing up the game. Separate the code and please stop making the game worse

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As someone that fought really hard for spellbatching and had to watch it vanish away because TBC was just built on the same client, just get used to it. Blizz can’t put a cash shop in Era/HC so they don’t make as much money off it, and that means it’ll always be a death by a thousand intended bugs or changes.

OP isn’t asking for his character back. He understands the current HC agreement between players and Blizz. He is suggesting a future agreement to replace the current one which is very slightly different.

Yeah, no non-trivial software can ever be said to be free of bugs. Godel and colleagues described why in the 30’s. As you might suspect, it’s just because of the way numbers work… basically.

But my dude, OP isn’t suggesting segregated servers or huge investments of money. Nobody is. OP is only suggesting that when… as some people might say… "the game done got all broked :frowning: ", i.e. the game (proper) / hosting system failed (which is quick and cheap to verify), that a rollback of a set or sets of characters occurs. He is not suggesting that any other disconnects be considered. I would suppose he is not suggesting this because then a sweet boi; who was sweaty, but was also a wretched coward; could grasp the cord to his router with his clammy and cheeto glazed hand, and pull to save his vile soul.

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Why did half the replies to this thread not even read the original post? :joy: