PC beats consoles

I’m selling these garbage “next gen” consoles. They don’t even support ray tracing, and have difficulty sending video output to a 4k screen. Controllers are laggy as hell when connected to the consoles, and work just fine when hooked to a PC.

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No kidding, the consoles really don’t look all that amazing or next gen to me. Ray tracing and 60fps is cool, but consoles is still missing a huge list of important advantages that the PC has.

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I have a 4k TV and need to do something with it

You can hook the PC up to the TV. :no_mouth:

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hook up your PC to it and play WoW on it.

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I have Ryzen 9 5900X, RTX 3080, 32GB RAM, 1 + 2 + 2TB SSD. Not looking at consoles anytime soon.

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Consoles will have exclusive games (for a while anyway), especially the Japanese games (although this is slowly changing) that won’t have PC ports for years.

That said, this alone makes Playstation the only meaningful choice for exclusives.

Anything that comes out on Xbox is gonna be on Windows too.

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I stopped using consoles a long time ago because it just sat there in the corner of my room unused, collecting dust.

My 3440x1440p 120Hz panel is better than my 4k 60Hz TV for WoW

Or do both. I have a PC and PS5 hooked up to the TV. PS5 covers both PS4 and PS5 exclusives, PC covers 99% of everything else. Xbox exclusives are usually competitive shooter #98475902 and can be safely ignored.