Paying $15 to sit in a queue for 347 minutes?

It hasn´t even been 5 hours from launch, just learn to be patient. You´ve got the rest of your life to log in. They wont open up too many servers, for once people start quitting they´ll be dead. Too much queue? Change to one of the new servers. But stop complaining about everything, or quit the fººº off.


Shut up you fool.

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700 minutes of what


I approve this message.

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Oh wow. You lost a whole 50 cents because of login queues. Boo hoo.

Classic is an extra luxury on top of the base game. We are lucky we’re even getting it. They did spin up more servers. This launch is going much better than the original Classic launch did and miles better than expansion launches so far.

This is such a small, petty thing to complain about in exchange for 2 years of one of the best games ever made.




Ahhhh. Sure is like the good-ole days around here.

Sneaky lol

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Apparently you have never played classic wow ever, where there have always been wait times, and welcome to know heirlooms, people tagging the monster you are wanting as well as someone else getting all the ore, one tap per person meaning someone taps you’re out of luck, no boosting and no riding until 40th, welcome to how I used to play.

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Didnt Bliz say they had their new sharding system in place to help combat this?

It could be worse… I tried logging in little over an hour ago. I was stuck with a 90+ minute queue wait time. It dropped down to 60 then 32 minutes. It is now back up to 37 minutes and 2092 in line. So hopefully I can get in soon. Sucks, but I was expecting long wait times. I waited a long time for this. I can wait a little longer if necessary.

someone has never seen high pop servers on retail then at its peak. this is nothing

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So reroll on a low pop server.

there arent any. they JUST added new servers and my queue is over 2 hours long

$15 is what, the cost of a half-decent pizza? I spend more commuting to/from work. It’s darn near nothing.

They had no idea exactly how many would try to play tonight and the numbers will probably drop fairly quick. I am guessing they didn’t want to overshoot with servers for the long haul. But yes it is frustrating no play here yet either.

“What you’re paying for is an extra luxury.”
For a game that was already released 14 years ago… Wow man.
“This launch is going much better than when it did 14 years ago.”
I’m queued in line for 850 minutes. Nothing has changed in the past 14 years, including the interest in the game.

Paying to play a game that has launched, and having to wait 6+ hours to play it after it being fully downloaded and ready to go is a pretty ****ing legit thing to complain about.


Well, your $15 also includes Bfa fyi.
You are not being “blocked” from playing WoW if that’s what you’re saying.

They are actually being smart, not everyone logging in right now will be playing Classic for a long time, they just want to try out the “new shiny thing”. Opening more servers would force them to merge them later on.

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Layers are designed to distribute people across the world so you don’t have 15 players piled onto that single copper node, etc. It has nothing to do with queues.

Everyone just needs to relax. We all knew this would happen, it happens for any big name mmorpg.