Pay to win

I love that this company wont ban me for whipping out my credit card and paying real life money so somebodys raid team can carry my alts through and feed my all the loot in a way that gives me an advantage over every other player in the game and enriches a 3rd party gold selling organization. WoW token forever.

Why would you post on the forums that you broke the rules? I hope you do get banned.

As much as I disagree with the OP’s decisions, I think the point they’re trying to make is that the way that they did it notably doesn’t go against Blizz’s rules. I could, of course, be wrong here, but they mention the WoW token at the end of their post. Blizz may frown upon selling carries for gold, but it isn’t against their rules and they even have a channel dedicated to those sorts of activities as long as they’re being sold for gold.

It seems like OP is commenting on buying WoW tokens for gold, to then “legally” buy the boosts.

Actually he mentioned using 3rd party gold sellers that would NOT be the wow token, and IS in fact against the rules.

He mentions how his actions enrich the third party sellers, but states “Wow token forever”. I read it as him commenting on how the boosters are likely connected to real-money gold sellers, but unless he comes back to reiterate we’ll never really know.

That is just nonsense how could buying a wow token “enrich” third party gold sellers? The money goes directly to Blizzard, and the people boosting for in game gold don’t see a cent of it.

BTW why would anyone use a third party gold seller and risk a ban when you can just buy a wow token?

Take it up with OP, because that’s what’s being implied:

Wow has been pay to win for expansions now, and your just now complaining about it? lol