Pay to win now. It's over

It’s not semantics that every powerful item is both available for free and often behind RNG/Lockouts/Bosses that can’t be bypassed with gold.

Things have objective meanings…

You can, I have 100 of em just hanging around.

Game has always been pay to win. Behind the scenes when theres no wow token, people in the community sell gold to each other, not just from china but local players too.

Wow token was neccessary to prevent behind the scenes trading.

Whats worse in your mind?

Not knowing someone spent real money to buy the item you wanted, because they did it behind the scenes.


Knowing someone spent real money on gold, and allowing you to avoid them?

Even Lord Illidan was fel infused and corrupted. That much is true.

But even he had standards. He could not be bribed to drop glaives 100% lol. GDKP did not increase drop rates.

All gdkp did was skip over glaives (if dropped even) go to the gm’s other half, then that dude whose been a friend since grade school, gm’s sibling, their friend from college.

A situation I get. Its not player x’s fault they didn’t know the gm 14 years ago. They probably never even lived in the gm’s state/country to meet them then lol.

On a p2w scale of 1 to 10 classic wow is probably over a 5 now. Boosts have a bigger effect than token I think since 3rd party was already a big market. I’d care more if this was a continuing mmo or it effected my gameplay, but I can raid with a guild just fine and buy consumables at a reasonable price.

I’d sell gold for tokens except I just reupped on a 6 month sub right before they made it available. How many are really going to stick around for Cata and how long do we have left of LK? If you can only buy WoW time its beneficial to players of both retail and classic I guess.

You are right. I watched some Youtube vid on this a short time ago and looked it up just to see what its about. I buy tokens when I have gold for free game time. Tokens are fine, its the bots farming everything that causes the inflation and makes the game unplayable.

Ey now that the game is pay to win, gdkp ruined everything and game is a mess, can we have LFD now??? or what our community gatekeepers overlords council thinks? Do they still plays the game o even exists anymore?

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