Pay to play to not play the game

Boosters screw the wow leveling world so badly, basically as it stands 50% of low-level populations is basically not running with legit dungeon groups. People wonder why the servers die off so fast


I don’t see a huge issue with boosts, to be honest. If you take away the boosts you could have some players just not level alts at all.

If players want to sell their time in game for doing services (Summons, boosts, portals, etc.) I really don’t have an issue with it.

I don’t sell boosts but I would stop short of mandating that other players can’t.


Boosting is bad for the leveling experience, which is the majority of what makes classic wow fun.


everyone plays for different reasons, I agree with you, but that doesnt mean everyone else thinks the leveling is the best part


I know for some people classic wow is about showing up to raids they don’t want to be at, getting priority on loot over everyone else, and then logging off when they get bis before everyone else.


You are not entitled to groups just because you level slower than the majority

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Just adding a few cents. The fact that boosting is completely reliant on very specific spots in the games coding to pat mobs back and forth, is just blatantly taking advantage of the og dev teams design.

We’ve become to accustomed to and used to it , that its just a normal part of the game now.

It makes alot of sense for many people to receive boosts, saving time and money. Makes more sense to gold farm on your main and funnel it into a 2nd character for boosting.

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One of the reasons why people look forward to leveling on fresh servers. Eventually it becomes difficult to find dungeon groups or form them once Boosting becomes widely available

Do they? I don’t know that this is true, but it sounds like some people are jealous or angry that others enjoy playing the game differently from themselves and want to call to change the system so that it forces their preference in playstyle…

even if that means people just stop playing, including themselves. Always pointing the finger, always blaming something else…


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The most hate played game.

It’ll get even worse when Blizz sells boosts again with TBC.

everybody became a mage booster, mage boosting mage that gonna boost other mages, and these mage gonna boost at their turn other mage, and boost mages to boost mages who gonna boost mages, then they gonna boost mages again to boost mage

Certainly, and I am for sure someone who doesn’t enjoy the leveling experience as much as other aspects of the game.

However, when you allow people to pay to skip it, the end result is that now the people who are actually playing the game are both experiencing a drought of players to group with and are unnaturally behind. Now those players feel pressure to pay to skip the content that they would have otherwise enjoyed.

Again, leveling is not my favourite aspect of the game and is a strong contributor to why I have so few alts. However, that’s the price of entry for a game like this. There are always going to be aspects of a game we like and those we don’t, but the experience that’s given to us isn’t one where we can pick and choose.

The best of intentions here have led us awry. It’s not unreasonable want a friend to carry you through a dungeon that you want to clear quickly so you can move on to other things, but the end result has become something where the majority of players choose to pay to skip the content in the very game they pay for. Why can’t we, as humans, just have nice things?

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I would be surprised if leveling isn’t the most played part on the game, in ever server ever released.
I would dare to say that Classic is still capable of getting this high numbers, mainly because of the leveling and professions “magic”.

I’d bet that a direct to 60 fresh release, wouldn’t have nowhere near this numbers. It would probably be DOA.

If i’m not mistaken some measures were taken, with success, in past versions to attenuate the influence of boosting and dungeon farming.

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Leveling by default has to be the most played part of the game since everyone is required to do it

as a warrior selling SFK boosts i see small teams forming for SFK constantly, is this really a common issue? I haven’t noticed

plenty of people aren’t boosting. i always find people to group invite for quests out in the world.

level mid 30ish dungeons to 60 is just not happening like it should bc of boosts… highly irregular for a (full) server

If you like leveling by doing quests, how are people doing dungeons hurting you in any way?

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An unfortunate majority now days it seems on NS server, tho let’s not pretend this wasn’t also true in 2019 also because it was also a thing then and in Classic TBC.

I remember the kids saying “we raid log because of WB” but now they have CBD and still raid log.

Death to Chronoboon and bring back purge vulnerability to WB.